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The Embodied Consciousness. Business & Marketing Essay

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November 22, 2020
Module 12
The medium of art plays a critical role in the expression and the effect of the artwork itself. This goes the same, whether for visual, performance, or musical art since the medium is part of how the audience perceives such work. In this article, I would like to focus on how medium affects the audience's perception of Martel's 2017 film entitled Zama. This includes the movie's use to showcase the differences and the similarities between the 'Western' and the 'indigenous' culture. All in all, I believe that with the help of the film, the viewer 'transcends' his spatial and temporal reality, thereby making him able to bridge the realities of these two cultures.
The Embodied Consciousness
The use of technological mediums in creating the film allows the director to impart a sense of temporal and spatial consciousness upon its viewers. According to Sobchack, the recent developments in the medium of cinematograp...
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