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The Impact and Relevance of Minimum Wage Laws Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

Review the final paper guidelines and write a one page outline of your proposed topic and approach. You can choose one from the list provided, or propose your own.


BHCC Microeconomics Web Final Paper Guidelines


Each student will prepare and submit a final application paper of approximately 10 – 12 pages. This paper will involve some research on a topic related to the course. A minimum of three sources should be used, one can be the text. Be sure to properly cite your sources.


Students will choose or propose a topic and submit it to the professor via upload as part of course work due November 19. The topic should be related to the course and one in which the student has the desire to perform some research in an effort to gain more insight into the topic or issue. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.            The Impact and Relevance of Minimum Wage Laws

2.            The Role of a College Education in the US Labor Market

3.            The Rationale and Reasons for US Firms to Off Shore- Are they justified?

4.            Business Taxes- Are they Too High? Too low?

  5.         Green Energy in the US. Does it make economic sense? 

   6.         The Green New Deal. What is it? Does it make economic sense? Who would benefit? Who           would be     hurt if it is enacted?



This paper will require students to use outside references to assess the issue they are studying. The paper should be properly referenced and all works cited, double-spaced, and the title and references page does not count as a page in terms of length. Graphs and charts can be used, but they will be supplemental and not counted toward the papers length. 


This paper should be submitted via the course assignment  tool  by the final paper  deadline.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
BHCC Microeconomics -The Impact and Relevance of Minimum Wage Laws
1. Background on minimum wages
* The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 covers some workers who are entitled to the minimum wage except for some employees such as highly-compensated individuals, employees of government agencies, public corporations, executives, professionals, administrators and those working in the judicial and legislative branches.
* Besides the minimum wage, the FLSA focuses on pay, hours worked, equal pay, overtime and record-keeping and child labor. 
* The 2004 FLSA Amendment offers further clarification on those who are exempt from FLSA.
* Minimum wage laws affect employees and employers as there are social welfare, employment and economic effects.
2. Impact of raising the minimum wage on employees
* Minimum wage laws target the minimum wage or lower earners so they can live on a livable wage and earn more to sustain themselves beyond surviving on the low wages
* The minimum wage interferes with the labor market, and sometimes, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) may be better as this targets low- to moderate-income earners without labor market interference.
* The minim...
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