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ExxonMobil: Company Description, SWOT Analysis, Consumers Impacts

Essay Instructions:

1. Give a description of your company, its products and services, and recent events

that are relevant to the valuation of the company.

2. Complete a S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis

for your company (see attached worksheet).

3. Report how consumer choice impacts your chosen company

4. Report on which market structure your chosen company operates.

5. Report how competition impacts your chosen company.

6. Report on sales and net income for the past two years and most recently reported


7. Give an analysis of the industry, i.e., degree of competition, growth of industrywide sales, and profitability of major competitors.

answer the questions about the company

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 Give a description of your company, its products and services, and recent eventsthat are relevant to the valuation of the company.
ExxonMobil explores for oil and natural gas (ExxonMobil a). Recently, a journalist at the New York Times wrote a story about how ExxonMobil is influencing big oil campaigns nationwide (ExxonMobil b). This story affected how the public views the company. It could lead to a reduction in the company's value since it is publicly traded.
2 Complete a S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysisfor your company
ExxonMobil's major strength lies in its expansive infrastructure (BusinessTeacher.org). The company has survived due to its ambitious investment in oil infrastructure that has seen it reap significant profits. However, the company's major weakness is that its operations are still viewed as damaging to the environment. A major opportunity for the company lies in increasing the demand for fuel and natural gas. Still, the company faces a major threat in the fluctuating crude oil prices (BusinessTeacher.org).
3 Report how consumer choice impacts your chosen company
In the last decade, the issue of climate change has been central to any discussion. Given that people are increasingly leaning towards environmental conservation, their choice not to consume oil products is likely to impact a company like Exxon Mobil negatively.
4 Report on which market structure your chosen company operates.
ExxonMobil currently operates in an oligopoly. In an oligopoly, there are a few firms, which exert significant influe...
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