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What is management philosophy? Using appropriate examples, discuss classical and contingency theories of management including advantages and disadvantages.

Essay Instructions:

What is management philosophy? Using appropriate examples, discuss classical and

contingency theories of management including advantages and disadvantages.

In Class 1-hour Writing Exam
Module Name: Business Management #1Assessment task

For this assignment, you have 1 (one) hour in which you are required to write a businessessay. The writing will be subject to “Exam” conditions – no notes, no discussions with otherstudents and will last for one hour.
You must choose ONE essay from a choice of the two topics below and write an essay onthe topic of your choice
Essay 1
There are three main categories of leadership styles: autocratic, paternalistic and democratic.Provide examples of these three styles of leadership along with advantages and disadvantagesfor each style.
Essay 2
What is management philosophy? Using appropriate examples, discuss classical andcontingency theories of management including advantages and disadvantages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Management Philosophy
Management philosophy includes particular values and rules that are utilized as guidance for making decisions. However, the rules and values are chosen based on the contextual demands of the management role. Through these rules and values, managers establish a sense of direction. They can easily relate their decisions with the objectives of the company. Moreover, an effective management philosophy makes a person feel more confident, make better and effective decisions, guide the team with clarity, and enhance productivity. It is also the basis for retaining talent within the company because of negative perceptions and decisions that demoralize workers are avoided. A good management philosophy requires deep and logical critical thinking to establish meaning for every aspect of the organization. Management philosophy defines the conduct and behaviors of the manager as a leader within the organization.
The classical management theory argues that workers have only physical and economic needs. Therefore, the concept disregards the social aspects and job satisfaction levels of workers to enhance the revenue of the company. The main advantage of the theory is that it establishes clear structures for management and enhances the efficiency and productivity of workers. Through a focus on the organization, better working conditions are established. The main advantages are that the theory creates much pressure for employees. It also fails to recognize teamwork and categorizes workers as efficient or inefficient.
An example of classical management theory is demonstrated by the perfect dividing of roles within...
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