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Radiohead Case Analysis: Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is based on the reading in the electronic course pack (Harvard business publishing) - " Radiohead: Music At Your Own Price" and "Driving Towards Disruption."

Based on the articles in the electronic course pack, please submit a 1 1/2 analysis responding to the following questions:

Do you think Radiohead's plan to allow fans to name their own price for the downloaded version of In Rainbows is a good idea? Why or why not? (1 point)

Can this pricing scheme work for other artists? What are implications for artists' economic conditions? And how does it affect the relationship between artists and record labels? (1 point)

Do you think IT has disrupted the Music Industry? How? (2 points)

What are the prospects for education industry? How do you think MOOCs will disrupt the Universities? (2 points)

You can discuss this in a group, but please write the responses individually. Note the names of the group discussion participants in your response document.

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Radiohead Case Analysis
Question 1
Allowing fans to name their price for downloads was not a good idea. Radiohead was already a well-known band (Elberse and Bergsman 2). Hence, they could still have generated sales on whichever price they set. With such a huge fan base, any price for the new album would have generated significant sales. Such a pricing strategy normally works for new artists who want to get the attention of the fans and make their music known. At the same time, most individuals would choose to download their music for free which will subsequently reduce the profit margin. If the band maintained the usual pricing strategy, they would probably have made more sales, and hence increased their profit margin.
Question 2
This pricing strategy can work for other artists as well. Such a pricing strategy will earn an artist the much-needed media attention to drive sales for a current album and future ones. However, the pricing strategy may be detrimental especially for new artists. Fans may choose to download the music for free, hence denying the artists income, hence adverse effects on their careers. The strategy has also negative implications on the relationship between artists and record labels. Recording labels will find it difficult to sign artists who use the pricing strategy. This is because record labels want to be sure that sales will generate profits. With this model, however, recording labels cannot determine how much they can make from a particular release hence they will prevent artists signed under them to proceed with the model.
Question 3

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