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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Are Offering a Money Back Guarantee and Dating Site Business Fraud?

Essay Instructions:

FIRST, Watch the video regarding fraud


After you have watched the video, please discuss in detail the questions below. Remember: There is no right or wrong position to take.

Please answer the following questions regarding the case. You must tie it back to the chapter. Please refer to the grading criteria below.

1. Do you believe that offering a "money back guarantee" prevents something from being fraudulent? Why or why not? Please explain.

2. The website owner argues that he is running a "dating site," not a "marriage site." Does this make a difference to you in evaluating his conduct? Why or why not? Please explain.

3. Do you think that the dating site meets the definition of "fraud"? Why or why not? In your answer, please discuss the definition and elements of "fraud," and the specific facts from the video that support you conclusion as to why the dating site does/does not meet that definition.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation:
Fraud 1. Offering a money-back guarantee is a regular business practice. It does not stop something from being fraudulent. Businesses offer back money to people as compensation for already fraudulent activity or service not completed. Services not correctly rendered are fraudulent. If a customer notices fraud and does not claim money back, the service will still be a fraud. If the same client claims their money back, the act remains a fraud. It justifies whether money is refunded or not, or if the clients claim their money, the act remains fraudulent.

2. Running a dating and a marriage site are two different but related businesses. An individual who runs a dating site has some background knowledge about the social setup. If the same people ask for marr...
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