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Vast Urbanism + Smart Cities + Future Urbanism

Essay Instructions:

Please note that I am an architecture major student. So the essay should be tightly connect to the field of architecture.

Essay must be submitted in PDF format. Single-spaced lines in Calibri, Arial, or other approved font. Font sizes 10- 12pt are acceptable.

Essays should be 1-page in length. Text should focus on the critical analysis of the three texts. Quotes and re-quoting of text or others should be kept to a minimum, no more than 10-20% of the entire essay. (Please at lease put in two quotes from two texts.) The essay must focus its attention on the three readings, other outside sources may be brought in, but only as secondary information to the main discussion.

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As a field, urbanism has evaded a clear-cut definition. At diverse times, reliant on the kid of professionals that were driving urban lessons as well as a projective assessment of the city, “dismal science plus gay” of urbanism took on several meanings and acknowledged its focus in numerous ways (Easterling). This high unpredictability twisted out to be the intrinsic feature of a discipline that considered at the same time as the built fabric of the city in addition to the life of its citizens, the social and political, the cultural and the economic, the theoretical and the practical. Metropolitans have been challenged by continuous predicament of a smart city .This study aims at investigating how architects as well as city planners are burning mid-night oil in order to transform our urban centers to smart cities.
City planners in addition to architects are developing theoretical apparatus and a toolkit in order to deal with a collection of typical problems. The problem ranges from abject poverty and lack of hygiene to standardization challenges as well as the rise and fall of density. Cities are evolving to even more unstable, dynamic and complex organisms. As a result, there is a need to come up with a new set of tools as well as skills in order to deal with these problems (Picon). When the word “smart” is affixed to a city, it means a serious technological upgrade. This is what is being pursued by researchers all over the world. In simple words, smart cities that are different from the rambling congeries of sluggish structures as well as disengaged systems we have today.
Smart cities are not just a future dream. Thanks to the passionate impro...
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