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Important Aspect Of World Music Is The Issue Of Location

Essay Instructions:

Please read these three article as reference for the paper. And the other pdf files are course materials for the writer to see. Please write it relate to the course materials. And the following are the requirements for this paper.

"Your paper should summarize and synthesize perspectives we have encountered in the course, briefly cite 1-2 examples covered during lecture, and analyze more substantially one particular example. In most cases, this will be an artist, a recording or performance, or a musical movement or genre that we have discussed in class.

Your paper should include necessary background information, present counterarguments, and provide solid and well-supported reasons why your argument should be considered. It should also include proper references and citations, at least three of which must be from the assigned course readings."

"To summarize and respond to the discourse surrounding “world music” as a musical genre. The notion of “world music” as a musical genre has been extremely contentious since its appearance in the 1980s. After completing the 3 readings, please compose an essay that attempts to summarize what others have said about this topic, and you should express 3 views that if you agree or disagree with them. You should quote at least three sources and explain drawn from course readings.


3 readings:

1.Feld - “Notes on World Beat”

2.Guilbault - “Interpreting World Music”

3.Simon Frith--The Discourse of World Music

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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World Music
“World music” is a term that used to refer to a universal genre of music and it is celebrated as being able to bring people across the world together in musical harmony. Nevertheless, this term has raised controversies, with analysts saying that it is meaningless since it does not involve any specific category or genre of music. Frith (315) says that world music is an unusual pop genre that lacks a specific identifiable format and it may therefore bring challenges when a person wants to purchase a specific type of music. Guilbault (31) argues that world music is not a musical genre but a marketing term that describes a mixture of musical products, particularly from Africa and the Caribbean. Feld (31) holds that as American popular music continue to have a similar sound as that of African popular music, it leads to emergence of records that that are increasingly similar. The main example or aspect that is analyzed in this paper is the universality of world music as a genre.
The strange pop genre of world music is said to have started in July 1987 when 11 record companies met in London to develop an “international pop.” Therefore, world music from the start “described the commercial process in which the sounds of other people (“diverse forms of music as yet unclassifiable in Western terms”) were sold to British record buyers” (Frith 305). Therefore, since the term world music lacked a specific definition, it was agreed that it would represent any music that was not classified under any category. It is from this perspective that world music is related to the concept of universality that has been discussed in the course materials. This implies that any form of music that cannot be categorized as jazz, folk, reggae, or blues can be grouped under world music.
Another important aspect of world music is the issue of location. Guilbault (31) argues that the practices of world music tend to represent issues such as musical cultures, which are not related to any specific musical genre. This implies that world music “is used, rather, '[as] a marketing term describing the products of musical cross-fertilization between the north - the US and Western Europe - and south - primarily Africa and the Caribbean Basin” (Guilbault 31). The umbrella expanded further to encompass any form of musical cu...
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