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Alternate Ending of Othello

Essay Instructions:

Give 2-3 pages paper that expands on your contribution to the final group presentation, to the play "OTHELLO" by Shakespeare. (Powerpoint presentation attached)

-you only need to focus on costume design since this is a group work

-need to come up with an approach to how the play might be done in production today (i.e. an imaginary contemporary production of the classic play.)

-need to present on how they might have experienced or contributed to the original production and what ideas they might have for their theoretical group production. For example, if you had designed costumes for the original production of Lope de Vega's "Fuenteovejuna (1619)", the designs might have looked like this...for your group "production" of it, set in today's Washington Heights, you would do this... (spin into contemporary design and show references in presentation)

-do additional research on both that play and playwright as well as that production element as it existed at the time and location of the play's first production.

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Othello by William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare an English lyricist, performer, and scriptwriter born and brought up at Stratford upon-Avon in England at the age of eighteen he was engaged and married Anne Hathaway and blessed with three kids. Around the year 1585-1592 is when he started his professional career by writing some script and acting until last day leaving at around 1613 when he retired and later died around two years later. During his living he was regarded as one of the best writers in English language ranking the best dramatist of all time, one the best and viral script written by Shakespeare was Othello this was written around 1603 based on the story un Capitan Moro. This was some of the aspects whey it was regarded one of the best and popular.
Othello a tragedy script by Shakespeare that got much attention because of many aspects used to elevate and support its theme. This story is about Othello, a Moresque who was a general in Venetian army and traitorous servant Lago, this story outline various themes like deception, anger, poor judgmental, mistrust and jealousy. This film acted as the beginning of the operatic film as many adopted this film choreography, style and ideas this evident because Othello is still acted in theatres with professionals until date. Considerately Shakespeare used various displeasing of costumes to propagate and outline these themes in this play.
A significant scene where the use of costume is evident in scene one. Brabantio confronts Othello over their marriage he finds guard's surrounding, military wore long grey fabric material...
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