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Play Critique on La Bête Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Finish watching La Bête by David Hirson

Follow these guidelines for your paper, which should be AT LEAST 3 pages long (MLA format, 12-point font ).


Give a brief ( one paragraph) account of what the play was about.


Where did the play take place? Describe the space and type of theatre.


Describe the setting for the play. Did it work for the action of the play?


Did you enjoy the actors? Which ones stood out? Are there any you didn't believe?


Did the costumes work for the environment of the play? Were there any that didn't work and why?


Explain how the lighting looked and if it worked for the play.

Describe any special lighting effects.


At the end of the play, were you satisfied with the story and its outcome?

Was the dialogue believable and lively?


Did the play work as a whole? Did all the elements pull together? Did the staging work?.


How did the audience respond? Did you agree with their response?


Conclude your critique with your overall opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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La Bête – David Hirson
1 Synopsis
La Bête is a play that was written by David Hirson. The play is a narration of a renown French playwright named Elomire. Elomire and his troupe were among the best troupes that were performing art at the time. They performed during the 17th century. They were leading a high life after the then Prince of Conti offered his support to them. Later in the play, this patronage would prove to be a problem to the group after the Prince introduced Valere as part of the troupe. There are many disagreements between Valere and Elomire disagree many times with the arguments mainly being brought by the fact that Valere has his own delusions on the nature of art which differs from the one the group initially practiced.
2 Venue
The play was first played in the Eugene O’Neill Theatre which is located in midtown Manhattan in 1991. The play was performed for 25 times in this theatre.
3 Setting
The setting of the play is that of ancient France. It depicts how the livelihoods of people in ancient France was. It worked for the play because it brought out a picture of how ancient France looked and gave the audience of the play a real taste of how the actions in the play happened. The play is based on a story of the 17th century hence the setting being that of ancient France brings out a real view of the story.
4 Acting
The actors of the play performed their roles perfectly. For a play to be interesting, it requires that the actors perform their roles perfectly as according to the script. The actor who acted as Valere stood out for me the most. How she stood against the normal ways of the group. It is amazing how she didn’t just blend in into the group but came up to stand for what she believed was the delusions that she had on the nature in which art should be performed. She tried to bring change to the normality of the situation. She wanted the group to adopt new ways of performing art. She stood out to me because for art to remain interesting, it requires that changes to be made every now and then, art is meant to create a delusion that will interest ...
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