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Visual & Performing Arts
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Dance Reflection Paper Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

Watch performance of "Double Plus: Kayla Hamilton + Jerron Herman", write 2 pages paper. (write about ONE performance from them only)

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Dance Reflection
Jerron Herman and Kayla Hamilton are two people who appear to have overcome the odds that are stacked against them. Their ability to dance and reflect their feelings through their movement is something that sets them apart. Their movement and understanding of dance is indeed unique and sends a loud message to the world that people with disabilities can do it too. The two appear to be telling the world that their disability will not hamper their ability to dance and amaze the world with their skills.
Jerron Herman was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and often, people with this kind of sickness are not able to feed or even clothe themselves. However, as he starts to get to rhythm, one can say that his diagnosis with cerebral palsy adds to his dancing skills. When a non-disabled person dances, their movement of arms and legs often appears to intrigue people. When Jerron dances, however, his disability evokes his prowess, and his movement is indeed intoxicating.
Herman’s skills ooze or emit confidence. From his movement, one notices his passion for dancing and his dare to the world. He appears to be telling the world to dare him, and he then goes ahead and proves to the world that he can do that which the world appears to believe he cannot do.
Herman’s use of his right leg for balance is something that needs to be co...
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