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Essay Instructions:
Provide a 250-350 word response to the students posting below. Justify and support your answer using your experience and source support from the assigned readings. Verge’s Response to Question A: Revitalizing a struggling organization demands a strategic and thoughtful approach. In the initial 30 days, the emphasis will be on assessing the current state, identifying key issues, and implementing immediate changes for a positive trajectory. My initial action in the organizational turnaround process involves crafting a forward-looking vision. This vision must be communicated distinctly, creating a clear picture that connects the dots between the overarching vision, the unit’s mission, the specific short-term goals, and the individual roles within the organization (Ledlow, 2007, p. 16). Incorporating a compelling vision serves as a unifying force for the organization, guiding decision-making and fostering cohesion. I would articulate this vision prominently during the change of command ceremony and elaborate on it in a commander's call within my first week, ensuring clear communication of expectations, standards, and the organization's mission. Emphasizing teamwork, accountability, and a shared commitment to excellence to set a positive tone for all members. The next crucial step involves conducting a comprehensive assessment of the organization's strengths and weaknesses. This process includes engaging with key staff and team members through one-on-one meetings, group discussions, and surveys to garner their insights into challenges and potential solutions. Simultaneously, it necessitates the analysis of existing documentation, reports, and performance metrics to discern patterns and trends, gaining valuable insights into the reasons behind the organization's challenges in fulfilling its mission. Considering the notion that "The sense of professionalism that exists among well-trained troops has consistently been shown to be a powerful motivation in itself" (Kellett, 1982, p. 24), identifying skill gaps within the organization becomes imperative. Implementing targeted training and development programs emerges as an essential strategy to enhance the capabilities of the team, fostering a heightened sense of professionalism and motivation. As the commander, I would foster an open-door policy and encourage feedback from all levels to address concerns and promote a culture of continuous improvement. Furthermore, cultivating cohesion necessitates high motivation and morale within the organization. The objective is to nurture a positive and inclusive organizational culture that values diversity and promotes collaboration. Achieving this involves incorporating team-building exercises and activities to enhance cohesion and build trust among team members. In the initial 30 days of command, I would introduce a dedicated training day, either on base or off-site, for these exercises. Another option would be to organize a social event as an alternate duty location, encouraging interaction among the entire organization and their families to boost unit morale. Building trust, fostering collaboration, and setting a positive tone from the top will be essential in turning this organization into a cohesive and high-performing unit. For reference here is the initial question: You are about to assume command of a 250 person organization where the current commander was just relieved. Just before the change of command ceremony your boss advises you that your new organization is the worst she has ever seen. It cannot accomplish its mission and cohesion in the unit is dismal. She gives you authority to relieve anyone that needs to go and to do whatever it takes to get the unit on track. As you are departing the office she says: “Come back in 30 days and tell me what you have done to build a cohesive and high-performing organization.” What are your first steps in turning this unit around, what are the actions in your first 30 days? Explain why you took this course of action and what factors you felt were the most important considerations.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
UNIT 5 Q: A By [Student's Name] Course Professor's Name University City and State Date UNIT 5 Q: A Verge's strategic approach to rebuilding a struggling firm is exceptional. Verge indicates that an inspiring mission should make the staff feel that they are a part of something significant and that their work contributes to a greater goal. This would be the first step in revolutionizing this unit. According to Kellett (1982), loneliness and isolation hurt soldiers' confidence; a well-communicated mission serves as a driving beacon that unites the entire organization toward a single goal, offering a feeling of purpose and direction to the group (p.23). Furthermore, cultivating an organizational culture of innovation and adaptation is critical to success in today's fast-paced and dynamic economy. Joshua Chamberlain encouraged his troops during the Battle of Gettysburg by communi...
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