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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.K.)
MS Word
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Identifying the Effectiveness of Health and Community Care

Essay Instructions:

Task 1: PowerPoint Presentation (word limit 500 words, 5,7 slides) (AC 1.1., 2.1.) 

The healthcare system is divided into different levels or points of entry, called Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare. For this task, you are required to produce a PowerPoint presentation, in which you address the following:


  1. 1.    Explain the Concepts of Primary, secondary and Tertiary Healthcare.


  1. 2.    Develop a case study of a patient. This case study needs to demonstrate how a patient moves between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary healthcare according to their diagnosed condition (and required treatment) that is either deteriorating or improving.  Remember, through this case study, the link between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare must be clearly explained.

Guidelines: As part of this task, you need to submit the note pages of your presentation in which you will provide your written evidence for this task (a plan for your work). You should also, provide a written reflection which should be 140 – 150 words in length. The reflection should be based on what you have learnt from both designing and delivering your presentation.



Task 3: Reflection (word limit 450-550 words) (AC 3.1)

For this task, you are required to click on the link below and watch a video. You should reflect on the content shown within the video.


As part of the reflection, you must provide the following:


- An explanation concerning the community care requirements for the portrayed specific client group. This should include a detailed explanation of the individual’s needs that are required to be met to provide both holistic and person-centred package of care.

– An analysis of how effective the care management was before and after the changes were made in the provided care.


.  Work must not exceed the word limit given.

.  Ensure you have read widely (textbooks, professional journals, newspaper as well as using online sources) and have used your own words throughout, referring any sources clearly.

. To achieve higher grades, carefully read through the merit and distinction guidance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Title of the Paper
Student’s Name
Healthcare system
Health is a diverse field with different issues requiring certain levels of care, so there are three entry levels (Dash, S. et al., 2019). According to Leslie H.et.al, 2018, Primary healthcare involves the most basic healthcare services that handle common health issues. General physicians are the essential care providers, and the goal of this level is to provide care for everyday problems to the general public. Secondary healthcare involves the provision of specialist care by specialists. In most areas, one needs a referral from primary care providers. This level acts as a link between the patient and advanced care. Tertiary healthcare is the highest level of healthcare and involves advanced care where patients require major procedures like transplants or those that need long-term management like cancer management. Someone can refer patients to this level of care directly from the primary level or secondary level.
Case Study
Mrs. Esther, 54 years old, has been having endless flu and frequent bruising on her lower limbs for the past year. Since the onset of these symptoms, she had always visited her family doctor, who would generally diagnose acute bacterial infection and prescribed different antibiotic therapies for over six months with slight improvement. She then developed jaundice and was referred to a consultant surgeon. Ultrasound results showed that she had hepatocellular carcinoma. Further tests revealed that she had stage 3 colorectal carcinoma with metastasis to the liver.
He immediately started her on chemotherapy and planned for colostomy. Mentally disturbed, she lost the will to live. Her husband suggested a referral to a cancer treatment centre, where she consulted a gastrointestinal oncologist. After a few weeks of admission to the centre, she was allowed to go home with a positive mindset and ready to continue chemotherapy. She faithfully did three rounds of chemotherapy and followed all the dietary advice offered. Shortly after, she developed unending diarrhea and difficulties in breathing. Since the cancer treatment centre was far from her home, she was taken back to the local health centre, where the medical team did resuscitation without success, and she succumbed to death barely six months into her treatment.
Reflection on Healthcare system
Going through the different healthcare levels has provided an understanding of how care provision to varying levels on entry and scopes. The flow from the basic to the highest level shows how a patient can quickly gain health or fail. It also has made it clear that healthcare is not a collaborative process in which personnel health professions need to work with their colleagues and involve the family members to minimize gaps in care. Caution should be taken for a healthcare provider to recognize that they can handle a specific case and the need for referral. Failure for this level of keenness can easily cost an individual their lives. Time i...
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