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Report Template on Diet and Metabolism

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Practical 5: Diet and Metabolism - report template.
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Carbohydrate metabolism is essential for the body’s function. Without these Carbohydrates, such as Glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆), several bodily functions would cease to exist, such as the production of energy in the cells, transmission of information between neurons, and even the production of certain chemicals, among others. However, even before these functions becomes important, Carbohydrates must first be digested and metabolized by the body to provide fuel for other essential components of the body’s basic functionalities. Thus, in this report, the author has analyzed the effects of eating a High Carbohydrate Meal (HCO) before and after eating to the production of several functions and chemicals inside the body.
The results of the experiment show that there are several differences between these various metabolism-related functions before meals and 30 and 60 minutes after. On the one hand, the results show that (1) Carbon-dioxide production, (2) oxygen consumption, and (3) glucose were all higher compared to the pre-resting results. This was also confirmed through the use of paired T-test scores. First, the results show that Carbon dioxide production and Oxygen consumption continues to increase from pre-meal to 30 minutes, and even 60-minutes after a meal in both subjects. However, although Glucose production has a similar trend, two significant observations were reached; (1) increase is more apparent in High-carbohydrate meals than control, and (2) that Glucose reduces its production levels from 30-minutes to 60 minutes.
Table 1. Table of Results for Respondents Mean ± SEM
* denotes High Carbohydrate Meal (Subject A)
# denotes Control group (Subject B)
As stated earlier, Carbohydrates are one of the essential building blocks of our diet. Notably, in the case of Glucose, the body digests and metabolizes these elements utilizing Oxygen and combining it with the calories that could be extracted from food CITATION May20 \l 1033 (MayoClinic.Org, 2020). As a result of this production, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) also increases in the body. Accordingly, this usage of Oxygen and the production of Carbon Dioxide is the most likely reason why oxygen consu...
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