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Obesity Stereotyping, Impact, and Inclusivity Promotion

Essay Instructions:

Please produce a draft of this Essay 300 - 500 words and reference list please.
Font size 11, 1.5/2 line spacing.
English Uk.
Harvard referencing guidelines.
Other sources : NICE guidelines. unicef, WHO.
Please refrain from using verbatim quotation where possible.
Essay 2500 words. Could be obesity, homelessness, alcoholism,diabetics, dimentia, ADHD, Down’s syndrome, autism, etc.
Discussing a particular stereotype, it’s impact and how to resolve or how to bring victims back into society or how to address the public mindset on this stereotype.
What is stereotype, how it affects the persons condition, 150 words. What the essay will cover, including the identification of the chosen patient/client group with a commonality such as:
1. Age
2. Illness
3. Injury/Disability
4. Behaviour
5. Living environment
6. Ethnicity
7. Gender
8. Sexuality
Give Statistics, areas or communities in the uk or compare Uk statistics to other. 200words.
Provide BRIEF information about the commonality of the patient/client group.
• Example: Parkinson’s Disease – what is Parkinson’s Disease; how does it develop/risk factors; statistics relating to how many, gender, age, UK/World; symptoms; problems they may encounter in daily life.
• Example: Alcohol Dependence – what is alcohol dependence; why might someone become alcohol dependent/risk factors; statistics relating to how many, gender, age, UK/World; symptoms/behaviours; problems they many encounter in daily life.
3)Stereotyping of the chosen group (approximately 200 words) – Provide a definition of stereotyping, and discuss common stereotyping labels/behaviours society has towards the patient/client group and why.
• It is important to think about specific labels/behaviours towards the chosen group, but also consider non-specific labels/behaviours that the public may have such as talking over disabled people, staring at people with a disfigurement and disapproving when behaviour is seen as ‘abnormal’.
• Example: ADHD – the child must be like that because of bad parenting.
• Example: Older person – all old people are deaf, forgetful, frail.
Details of stereotype.
What are the stereotypes. Describe the labelling. What is said about the people when they are being stereotyped. What are the potential vulnerabilities. Give statistical background to justify chosen stereotype.
4)impact of stereotyping 650words
positive and negative effect on individual and their family. How does it affect them. Current efect , social, physiological, psychological, emotional effect, In-depth discussion.
Discuss patient safety and potential vulnerability by considering how stereotyping can impact the patient/client group’s physical and mental health, individual health choices, and their access to health care.
• Consider how labels/behaviour make people feel about themselves, and how this transfers into how they feel society accepts them.
• Consider how stereotyping can make people vulnerable through their own actions, or the actions of others, which could potentially result in concerns for their safety.
• Example: Obesity – if people comment about size or eating all the time, it can make the person withdraw, comfort eat, or be too embarrassed to exercise. This could lead to health issues but also deterioration of mental health causing self-neglect or isolation. They may not access healthcare for fear of blame. 
5)650words. Promoting inclusiveness.
How to manage the impact on victim and their family. what can be done to prevent stereotype, protect and support the person. What is the role of nurses ,other professionals, family and friends. Which Policies, guidelines, charities, sectors, parent support information is available or using supporting documents to support victims. Multi agency and team working support. How to promote inclusiveness or inclusion back into society.supporting strategies and how to implement them.
promote inclusivity (approximately 650 words) - What could individuals or society do to help include this group, and how can nurses empower individuals to help themselves utilising any strategies already in place e.g. policies, guidelines, advise sheets, patient groups, charities.
6. reflection.500words.
Self awareness, personal reflection, My own values, beliefs, personal experience, lesson learnt from past experience, what I did about it, how this essay has influenced my opinion.
- Consider your own values and beliefs about other people, and your thoughts and feelings on how others have or could treat you, and the coping mechanisms you have or need to develop.
• What has it felt like to consider your own stereotyping views of people?
• Are you able to be honest about your views of others?
• Have any of your opinions been challenged through the learning?
• Are there any aspects that you feel you should, or would, want to change?
• What have you learned which will help you cope with any stereotyping behaviours/actions that people might aim towards you?
• Are there any coping mechanisms/skills you need to develop to build your resilience
7. conclusion 150words
Summarise main points of the essay.
More info.
Clear and concise.
Written in first person or passive. Explanation discussions, use of literature. Academic writing level 4 .
Critical writing.
Paragraph linking and text flow.
Rich use of literature.
Multiple perspectives.
Consider the media and how they portray people. 
Manthorpe, J., & Samsi, K. (2016). Person-centered dementia care: current perspectives. Clinical interventions in aging, 11, 1733–1740. https://doi(dot)org/10.2147/CIA.S104618
Erikson, E. (1950). Childhood and society. New York: W.W. Norton & Company
Rogers, C. R., Stevens, B., Gendlin, E. T., Shlien, J. M., & Van Dusen, W. (1967). Person to person: The problem of being human: A new trend in psychology. Lafayette, CA: Real People Press.
NHS Constitution.
1. Respect and Dignity
2. Compassion
3. Improving Lives
4. Everyone Counts
NMC Code of conduct.
1. Prioritise People
2. Practice effectively
3. Preserve Safety
Reluctance to help
• Not helping others to improve their life in society, both passively or actively.
• Manifested only in certain conditions: specifically, when such reluctance can be attributed to some factor other than prejudice e.g. belief that disadvantage is overstated.
• When there is a belief that other potential helpers are present.
• A small or trivial positive act towards members of an 'out' group.
• Invoked to deflect accusations of prejudice and as a justification for declining to engage in larger and more meaningful positive acts or for subsequently engaging in discrimination.
Reverse discrimination
• People with residual prejudiced attitudes may sometimes go out of their way to favour members of a group against which they are prejudiced more than members of other groups.
UK legislation protects from unfair treatment on the grounds of – SEX/RACE/ DISABILITY / SEXUAL ORIENTATION / RELIGION OR BELIEF / AGE-but this is not the case in all countries.
• The Equality Act 2010
Dutt and Ferns (1998): Set out a model with 12 components:
1. Holistic assessment: individual needs are assessed within a wider socio-economic context and include physical and mental health needs.
2. Challenging stereotypes: assessment of needs is not based on generic assumptions but on individual circumstances.
3. Reinforcing cultural heritage: focusing on the individual’s chosen lifestyle, strengthening their cultural identity to enhance growth and development.
4. Culturally appropriate services: identifying cultural and religious needs which facilitate the development/ provision of culturally appropriate services.
5. Overcoming language barriers: attending to the individual’s communication needs to enable full participation in the assessment process.
6. Outreach and preventive work: needs are assessed with a view to involve community-based resources in providing support and preventing crises.
7. Focus on discriminatory barriers: assessment should avoid ‘victim blaming’ and focus on social factors resulting in exclusion from community life.
8. Appropriate intervention: assessment should lead to interventions which are culturally appropriate and which strengthen cultural identity, creating opportunities for personal growth and development.
9. Family/ carer support: individual needs of the person are assessed within the context of their significant personal relationships with family and friends.
10. Range of treatment options: assessment of needs should encompass the whole of the person’s life and not within professional/ service constraints.
11. Empowerment and advocacy: ensuring that the individual’s family participate fully in the assessment process, with independent advocacy support if required.
12. Safeguarding rights: establishing checks on the quality of the assessment process and ensuring that the person has proper access to a complaints procedure if required.
Tajfel and Turner (1979) proposed that there are three mental processes involved in evaluating others as “us” or “them” (i.e. “in-group” and “out-group”. These take place in three stages.
1. Social categorisation
2. Social identification 
3. Social comparison
Stage 1: Social/self categorisation:
• We categorise objects in order to understand them and identify them. In a very similar way we categorise people (including ourselves) in order to understand the social environment.  We use social categories like black, white, Australian, Christian, gay, Muslim, dancer, student, football fan and bus driver because they are useful.
• If we can assign people to a category then that tells us things about those people. 
• Similarly, we find out things about ourselves by knowing what categories we belong to.  They shape our identity. We define appropriate behaviour by reference to the norms of groups we belong to (our in-groups). 
• This process of categorisation has predictable and depersonalising consequences. Rather than seeing people as individuals, we now perceive that they "fit a mould".
Stage 2: Social identification and in-group favouritism:
• In the social identification stage, we adopt the favourable identity of the group we have categorised ourselves as belonging to. 
• This gives us self-esteem and status and as well as shaping out values, also impacts our feelings and behaviours. 
• If, for example, you identify as "middle class",  it is likely that you will associate with people who you also consider to be "middle class", and begin to act in the ways you believe "middle class" people may act (in order to conform to the norms of the group).
• Your identification with being "middle class" is linked with status, and your self-esteem will become bound up with membership of this desirable group.
Social comparison and out-group denigration: 
• The final stage is social comparison. Once we have categorized ourselves as part of a group ("people like us") and have identified with that group we then tend to compare that group with other groups ("people like them"). If our self-esteem is to be maintained, our group needs to compare favourably with other groups. 
• This is critical to understanding prejudice. If membership of a group is undesirable (e.g. people who are unemployed) by comparison to another group with higher perceived status (e.g. people in high paid employment), there are negative, stigmatising  impacts for the individuals in the perceived lower status group. 
• Although there is a lot of evidence to show that competition  between groups emerges because of competing for resources, it is also the case that hostility emerges when groups have competing identities.
• Developing a "people like them" perception of out-group members is more commonly called stereotyping. 
Person Centred Care (Dimentia)
Rogers (1957), developed the idea of being person-centred. He spoke of showing unconditional positive regard and genuineness towards those in his care.
This idea still informs the way we work as nurses today. Policy paper, “The Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia 2020” states that:
People with dementia have told us what is important to them. They want a society where they are able to say:
• I have personal choice and control over the decisions that affect me.
• I know that services are designed around me, my needs and my carer’s needs.
• I have support that helps me live my life.
• I have the knowledge to get what I need.
• I live in an enabling and supportive environment where I feel valued and understood.
• I have a sense of belonging and of being a valued part of family, community and civic life.
• I am confident my end of life wishes will be respected. I can expect a good death.
• I know that there is research going on which will deliver a better life for people with dementia, and I know how I can contribute to it.
In order to meet these aims, as nurses, what do we need to do?
• See the person as an individual and tailor support around their unique circumstances.
• Understand what they think and feel and want to do regarding their illness.
• Consider a person’s needs and preferences across a range of criteria including nutrition, personal care, mobilisation, finances, environment, friend and family relationships, spiritual and social activities. The culture to which a person’s belongs and their religious beliefs will cut across many of these areas.
• Involve a person and their carer(s) in the decisions made about their care.
(Manthorpe and Sami’s 2016)
VERA for Dimentia
• Is disagreement always negative?
• When two groups take differing views, is it always the case that these differences are clear cut? 
Eriksons stages how in-depth understanding of this can effect understanding of different people, response to situation and behaviours we don’t understand.
• What kind of daily frustrations might they be feeling?
• What longer term fears and anxieties might they have?
• How might the onset of dementia affect an older person's ability to develop a sense integrity?
• (Consider whether having dementia may make it harder to accomplish things, reflect, relate with others, pass on wisdom and feel a sense of life satisfaction). 
• How might these issues influence an older person's mood?
Harvard referencing.
NICE guidelines. unicef, WHO, journals. NHS,2013.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Obesity Stereotype
By (Student’s Name)
Name of the course
Instructor’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
A stereotype refers to a set of generalized ideas or beliefs about a particular group of people. Stereotyping infers to a person a wide range of characteristics that are generally associated with the stereotyped group. Stereotyping may affect a person either positively or negatively. One of the positive effects is that a person is able to respond to a situation quickly since they most likely have had such an encounter before. One negative effect is that one may be labelled negatively just by having a particular condition (Ekeagwu, 2017). To the typical person, the term stereotyping mainly refers to the negative aspects of stereotypes. The National Health Service Constitution stipulates that every person should be treated with utmost respect and dignity. Therefore, health care workers must endeavour to treat these patients with the respect and dignity that they deserve. This essay will focus on the obesity stereotype among adults in the United Kingdom. The aspects of obesity stereotype that will be discussed include some background, how the stereotype occurs, the impacts of stereotyping, how to promote inclusiveness, and a personal reflection that focuses on how various aspects of my life have shaped my opinion on stereotyping. 
The Health Survey of England carried out in 2019 found out that at least 28% of adults in the United Kingdom are obese (Health Survey for England - NHS Digital, 2021). The survey also found out that an additional 36.2% are overweight. The primary tool used in determining obesity is the Body Mass Index. A body mass index of 30 or more is considered obese, while between 25 and 30 is deemed overweight. The survey also found out that compared to women, men are more likely to be obese. Further, the survey concluded that people who are most likely to be obese are adults aged between 45 and 74 years (Health Survey for England - NHS Digital, 2021). One would expect obesity to be in the wealthiest areas of the UK. However, evidence reveals that the prevalence of obesity is high in the most deprived areas. The least deprived areas of the United Kingdom have the least cases of obesity. Extensive evidence has revealed that obesity increases the risk for developing chronic diseases of lifestyle. These diseases include hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2. There are several factors associated with the increasing cases of obesity in the United Kingdom. These include low physical activity levels and a diet that is saturated with fats/ sugars (Cohen and Shikora, 2020). The burden of obesity is estimated to increase in the coming years if no appropriate measures are taken.
Obesity Stereotyping
As observed earlier, stereotyping refers to the construction of a set of general beliefs about a particular group or class of people. When it comes to obesity, there are several labels that the community has. Before discussing the labelling, it is important to note that the main aspect used to label obese people is their body size and shape. Despite decades of progress towards the elimination of stigma surrounding the issue of weight, stereotypes concerning weight are still prevalent in modern society. Most public health recommendations concerning eradicating weight stigma are simply ignored. One of the labelling aspects for people with obesity is that they are blamed for their weight. It is said that it is due to their insatiable appetite that they have obesity. Further, they are blamed for not taking the appropriate measures to reduce their weight. Such measures include exercising. Most people think that this kind of stereotyping will motivate obese people to take measures that are geared towards weight loss. However, stereotyping has been shown to aggravate the condition and even lead to other health problems. It is estimated that at least one in 2 people with obesity face some kind of stereotype. It is also estimated that this kind of stereotype has risen steadily over the last decade. Unless some measures are taken, stereotyping is projected to further increase in the future.
Impact of Stereotyping
Obesity stereotyping has been shown to have adverse effects on the physical and mental health of the affected person (Silva and Branco, 019). Due to repeated negative experiences, the self-esteem of the person lowers and they view themselves as inferior and helpless. Over time, these factors predispose them to mental health issues. The most notable mental health issue that affects persons facing obesity stereotyping is depression. Evidence reveals that there is a strong positive relationship between obesity stereotyping and the development of depression. The physical health of the person facing the stereotype is also negatively affected. Researchers have attempted to explain why physical health deteriorated and the best explanation has been an increase in the levels of stress. Due to repeated stereotyping, the levels of stress of the affected person rise. As noted earlier, obese people are at risk of developing chronic diseases. Due to the increased levels of stress, the affected person becomes more at risk. The most common condition that is triggered by stress for obese people is hypertension. Based on these observations, it is true to say that obesity stereotyping affects a person negatively by impacting both physical and mental health.
Stereotyping makes obese people feel inferior. It makes them feel as if they do not belong. As a result, these people result being alone which greatly impacts on their social life negatively. They feel this way because the society does not accept them as they are. The societal expects the average person to have normal weight. Although the society accepts various variations in weight, people who are either obese or too thin are considered outliers. It is due to these reasons that people with obesity find it hard to belong to the groups constructed in the society. Somehow, the society blames them for their body size and directly or otherwise expects them to lose some weight so they can achieve the weight that is perceived as acceptable. Often, society fails to appreciate that people may be obese due to a wide variety of issues which includes disease conditions and genetics.
Stereotyping can make people vulnerable through their own actions or through the action of others. Here is one illustration. When an obese person receives negative statements from their colleagues concerning their body weight, they may result in a radical fad diet (Sergentanis et al., 2021). The intention of the fad diet would be to lose some weight. However, evidence has shown that fad diets confer some health issues to the body and are never successful at achieving healthy weight loss. Therefore, stereotyping could lead obese people to engage in activities that may endanger their health and their lives. the actions of others could also potentially lead to safety concerns of an obese person. For instance, if a person consistently receives negative information from their colleagues concerning their body weight, they may withdraw from engaging in some activities such as eating lunch together with colleagues. Further, they may even drastically reduce the portion size of their food with the intention of pleasing such colleagues. These actions may be detrimental to the health of the obese person since they may not be meeting the recommended daily allowances for nutrients.
Insensitive healthcare workers may also discourage obese people. Healthcare workers should be understanding and should guide an obese person on healthy ways of achieving a healthy weight (Watson, Levit, and Lavack 2018). However, if these workers have a negative attitude, the obese person may shy away from seeking appropriate care. they may result in self-isolation or seeking services from quacks. Self-isolation increases the chances that their mental health will deteriorate. Seeking the services of a quack on the other hand means that their physical health will deteriorate. Consequently, health care works must be both culturally sensitive and emotionally intelligent. They must always act in a way that reassures the patient and not discourage. In the cases of obesity, healthcare workers should focus on helping obese pers...
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