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Mechanisms Responsible for the Changes During Incremental Submaximal Exercise

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9 ASSESSMENT TASKA practical report template complete with an introduction and aim, a clearly written results section complemented by tables and/or graphs will be available via CloudDeakin. However, a discussion section will be missing from the template and it is your goal to complete the discussion. A well written discussion is one that clearly links the results to the aim of the study. In your discussion, it is advised you include the following components:- Whether findings are expected and supported by current literature. (100 words)- Discuss the mechanisms responsible for the changes seen during incremental submaximal exercise. You will need to discuss the receptors and effectors that regulate these responses. (300 words).- Appropriate references complete with a reference list. NB: acceptable references are peer reviewed original research journal articles. Please avoid the use of websites, text books and review articles.

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The results show that for the respiratory system, both oxygen consumption and ventilation have a direct relationship with power during incremental exercise. For the cardiovascular system, the heart rate and power also show a linear increase. These values are expected due to the incremental intensity of the exercise which also reflects the metabolic demands of the body (Wielemborek-Musial et al., 2016). The blood pressure shows a slight increase in the systolic blood pressure while the diastolic blood pressure is sustained. These values are consistent with the increasing demands of the exercise preventing the systolic blood pressure from reaching a plateau, while the diastolic blood pressure is relatively constant due to peripheral vasodilation to allow sufficient blood flow to the muscles (Hausen et al., 2021).
Similar to the normal response, the oxygen consumption required in the study increases with the intensity of the exercise to meet the energy demands (Fresiello et al., 2014). The ventilation is involved in the movement of air in and out of the lungs, and this is increased during exercise to get rid of the carbon dioxide and sufficiently supply the needed oxygen to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for the energy supply of the muscular system. The receptors involved in respiration are the central chemoreceptors found in the brain and the arterial chemoreceptors that monitor the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. When the arterial chemoreceptors sense that there is an increased demand for oxygen in the tissues, and the central chemoreceptors detect increased carbon dioxid...
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