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Lessons From Two Kinds: The Importance Of Hard Work

Essay Instructions:

RESEARCH REQUIREMENTS1]Quotes from the Story: You must quote from your short story at least 3 times.2]First Outside Source: You must include at least one quotation from a book (this can be an ebook) about either the author's life or something that you discuss in your argument (e.g. about the story, or something about how people change, or something about human psychology).3]Second Outside Source: You must include at least one quotation from another book (this can also be an ebook) about either the author's life or something that you discuss in your argument (e.g. about the story, or something about how people change, or something about human psychology). (Please note, this must be from a book different from the one used for the first outside source.) 4] Paraphrasing: You may not paraphrase any material taken from any sources. You must always give actual quotations instead. (However, brief summaries of a story or a scene are acceptable.)** Note: dictionaries and encyclopedias are “reference” sources and cannot, therefore, count as research; in addition, primary texts, like religious texts or other stories, poems, or plays, are the original source, and cannot, therefore, count as research. You may use the resources all you want, but they will not count towards your two outside source minimum.

FORMAT REQUIREMENTS1]Essay Appearance: In terms of appearance, your paper must be submitted in the Chicago format, which you can find on the Purdue Owl website (search for “Purdue Owl Chicago General Format”). ** Do not include a References/Bibliography page.2]Footnotes: When quoting from your sources (the story and all outside sources that you use), you must cite each quotation with a Chicago–styleFootnote (not Endnote). See the relevant section in the Purdue Owl (since your sources will come from the web or books, search for “Purdue Owl Chicago Books” and “Purdue Owl Chicago Web Sources”).3]Repeat Footnotes: When citing the same source a second time or more, you must use a short version of the full footnote, which is explained in the section titled “Introduction to Notes” found in the Chicago Style guide found at the very beginning of the Purdue Owl web site (search for “Purdue Owl Chicago,” open the page, and scroll down). 4] Indenting: Essays must have the first line of every paragraph indented.

LENGTH REQUIREMENTS1] Length & Outline: The essay must be typed, double-spaced, and must meet the 6 paragraph outline discussed in the “Introduction to Essay #2” class lecture.LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTSAs with Essay Assignment #1, your second essay should be in formal English. In addition to the rules stated for the Essay #1 language requirements, in formal situations, one should avoid contractions (e.g. use “could not” instead of “couldn’t”) and one should avoid the word “you” unless one must. Also, avoid referring to two different men (women)as he (she) in the same sentence. Verb Tense: Use Past Tense when discussing what the author did, as well as what happened in the story (be aware that when giving quotations from the story, you may have to change verb tenses). I will be marking these as grammatical mistakes from now on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL ADVICE Be very careful when presenting your argument. The typical mistake people make in this essay is giving me a mere summary of the various scenes in the story, which is not an argument; focus instead upon the lessons learned by the character and how/why those lessons contribute to the character’s evolution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBMISSION DUE DATESMonday, Mar. 18: Rough Draft is due by 11:55 p.m.You must submit one double-spaced copy of your draft, and your draft must include the Lesson #1, Lesson #2, Lesson #3, and Conclusion paragraphs if you wish to participate in the Peer Evaluation Exercise (please label them so I know which one each paragraph is).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
LESSONS FROM TWO KINDS Student’s Name Course Date of Submission Two Kinds by Amy Tan is a recollection of her childhood experiences. Amy narrates how her mother always wanted the best and recommending various activities that she was not comfortable doing. The primary source of conflict was that Amy did not believe in herself as much her mother did. Amy's mother believed in the American dream that in America someone could be whoever they want to be. At first, her mother wanted her to be a Chinese Shirley Temple. Not long after, her mother administered all types of test to Amy every night. Afterward, the piano lessons by the deaf Mr. Chong. After a dismal performance, Amy confronted her mother and told her she disliked how her mother forced things on her wanted to make her own choices, which caused her mother further disappointment.[Tan, Amy. Two kinds (The joy luck club, 1989), 132-48.] Lesson 1: The importance of hard work In the story, Amy emphasizes the importance of working hard and her mother was an excellent example. She was hard working and helped her husband provide for her family. She even traded cleaning services for Amy to get her piano lessons, saved enough for to but a second-hand piano for Amy to play in the talent show. Her hard work matched her believe that you could be anything you wanted to be in America. Unlike her mother, Amy was lazy; she did not fully commit in anything she was engaging in. “I learned I could be lazy and get away with mistakes... If I hit the wrong notes because I hadn't practiced enough”. Amy did not try her best to become a good pianist. The consequences of her laziness were evident at the talent show. She not only embarrassed herself but her parents too. But the trend did not stop there; Amy continued to disappoint her mother later in life.[Amy. Two kinds, 135] Although Amy never learned from her mistakes, her story provides a valuable lesson to her audience on the importance of hard work. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Our reward is in the effort and not in the result. A complete effort is a complete victory". The big successes of life do not come in the short term, but instead, they are cultivated with time. To instil the value of hard work in children, parents must encourage them to take on some responsibilities according to their age. Teaching children to work hard on small things will enable them to emulate that later on when life throws them greater difficulties. On the contrary, if children do not learn to work hard, they will like be Amy, fail in nearly everything they attempt. Like Amy's mother, parents should set a good example for their children. One thing parents should take note is to ensure tha...
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