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Diverse Analysis of the Epics Amphitryon and Metamorphoses

Essay Instructions:

GRST 455 Second EssaySubject: You should work on two pieces of literature – these can be drawn from those we’ve looked at in class, OR you can work on a comparison between one piece that we’ve looked at in class and something we’ve briefly touched in class or on something we haven’t looked at in class, but you think is relevant (this could be a book, film, play, a piece of visual art, a philosophical or psychological theme, etc.)

The piece that we’ve looked at in class should come from one of the texts studied since the first essay. (Once you’ve settled on your topic check in with me in person or by email.)

Documentation: 7 refereed articles drawn from JSTOR or Project Muse (minimum)Style: that’s up to you, but be consistent. At the minute I’m using Chicago

The pieces we went over are:

Seneca's "Oedipus"

Ovid's "Metamorpheses Book III"

Plautaus's "Amphitryo"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Amphitryon and Metamorphoses
European literature or what is commonly referred to as the Western literature is observed to be literature written based on the Western cultural context. It used Europe language, for example, the language owned by the Indo-European family and other historically and geographically linked languages, for example, the Hungarian and Basque. Western civilization was characterized by many elements and Western literature. Western culture includes works written in the various language, British literature, Greek literature, Latin literature, polish literature and many more. Latin literature which began back 240BC is comprised of plays, poems, histories and essays so did the others but in the stated languages. This paper is going to look at some of the literature and see how their construction was held by their owners, focus will be put on Ovid's Metamorphoses book III and Plautus's Amphitryon. Unlike Plautus Amphitruo tragicomic, Metamorphoses genuinely intersperses funny passages with unsettling hints of the characters pain they undergo looking for entertainment ironically. Thus below is the analysis of the two pieces in a diverse manner as analysis will run from the epic birth of Hercules to its core problem and to how Ovid make reference to the original tragicomoedia at have the same effects. Although Ovid explores the Plautine manner of humour to achieve comic relief, he is seen to recreate the tension between tragic and comic elements in his play. Cheerlessness of the worldview is observed when one realizes that he inhibit Plautine mode to a happy conclusion in the last few minutes, in Ovid's resolutions, tragedy is fully embraced.[Jones, Christopher P. Greek drama in the Roman Empire. na, 1993.]
Summary of the Tales
Metamorphoseon Libri popularly known as Metamorphoses is a book of poems by Ovid a Roman poet. He is observed to have taken inspiration from metamorphosis poetry genre and some features of the myths although he diverges in his models. The poem is seen to have met all the criteria of an epic however though it defies being simple as it uses varying tones and themes. His work is one of the most influential pieces in Western culture and through his creativity and precision, he inspired great artists such as William Shakespeare, Giovannin Boccaccio, Dante Alighieri and Geoffery Chaucer. On the other hand, Titus Maccius Plautus developed the play Amphitryon for the Roman theatre. It is one of a kind in regards to the artist as it is the only one where he does a trade comedy style. It is largely extant although it leaves large missing sections in its last portions. Amphitruo is imitated by many playwrights in modern times and big names such as Wiliam Shakespeares where he has more than once used this kind of style for example in Merchant of Venice and Measure for Measure. He is also an inspiration to Dolce the Italian artist. Les Deux Sosies by Rotrou is also another comedy following Plautus style and is based on his work. Noting some points of resemblance and differences in form, characters, incidents, and development of plot looking at both pieces of literature will increase knowledge on the Western culture.
There is an auspiciously beginning on book III where we find the founding of Thebes. But as it goes on the center stage is taken by divine revenge. Interestingly the gods get to punish every character for committed crimes and this is not per choice as they are punished regardless of willingly or unwillingly committed the crime. Agenor who is Europa's biological father threatens to send Cadmus into exile if he is not able to find Europa. Cadmus does his best but fails and thus he cannot go home and he is desperate and has to beg and pray to Apollo in regards to where he should stay. Appollo answers his plea and sends him a pristine heifer that leads him to a land where he was to start his own nation. His men are however killed by a serpent, which he kills and asks Minerva's if he could bury the serpent's teeth in the ground. Men emerge from the ground and start to slay each other until only five are left and these five agree to practice peace and this is how Thebes was established.
In Amphitryon, it begins with God Mercury giving out prologue: a slave dubbed Sosia and Amphitryon are returning to Thebes from war. While at war god Jupiter been sleeping with Alcmena wife to Amphitryon. However, Alcmena does not know she is sleeping with Jupiter as the god has disguised himself as Alcmena husband Amphitryon. Mercury is given the job of deceiving individuals who might interfere and this buys time for his father. At one point he changes to look like slave Sosia and beats up the real Sosia when he arrives, sending him out of the house. Confused about the occurrence where he has been beaten by himself, Sosia heads back to the ship to narrate the ordeal to his boss Amphitryon. Next day Amphitryon goes to the house and he was not happy because of the foolish narrations his slave gave him. Moments after Jupiter leaves, Amphitryon arrives and this leaves the wife Alcmena confused as to why the husband has returned. He noticed the awkward welcome and does not appreciate it, he gets jealous and angry when he finds out his wife been sleeping with another man. Alcmena is about to leave after a long argument but god Jupiter stops her. He sets things straight and in a miraculous way, Alcmena gives birth to twins and both boys. It is miraculous as one boy is Amphitryon's and the other one belongs to Jupiter. Again Amphitryon anger is shown but when Jupiter explains himself then he becomes delighted to have shared his wife with Jupiter the god.
Metamorphoses, although it does provide an appropriate observation with an epic mood, when referred to as a tragicomic the genre seems to be misleading. The play prologue is the base root of the term tragicomoedia it character of darker undertones in Plautine drama, there is an affiliation of both tragedy and comedy. In the other side, Mercury and Jupiter impersonate Sosia the slave a...
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