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Site-Specific Art at the New School: Tseng Kwong Chi’s Disneyland 1979

Essay Instructions:

Please choose the Mickey Mouse one from the UCArtGuidebook PDF

It’s on floor 3.

#9 the micky mouse one.

*Please submit this essay as a Word Document & Post on your Learning Porfolio

The New School has a longstanding tradition of installing site–specific art in public spaces on campus. For this assignment, you will select and visit one of the site-specific art works from the New School collection (see choices below), and write a short essay (2-3 pages; double spaced; 12 point font) that provides the following information:

A highly detailed description of the artwork based on your own observations. This description should include: the materials used and style of the work; a description of the content/subject matter of the work; the ways the form of the work relates to the content; and a description of the physical space the work is located within.

At least 2 images of the work taken by you. The goal of these images is capture the way the work you've chosen engages with and relates to the space it is located within.

Site-specific works both respond directly to meaning of the place where they are shown, and potentially transform the meaning of that place. Your essay should critically reflect on the ways your chosen artwork engages with the public space that it is set within. How does it shape our experience and understanding of the space? Does the work seem to respond positively or negatively to the space? Does the work reveal things about the space that might otherwise be invisible? These are just some questions to focus your writing, but you are invited to think about the work in relation to its site in any way you feel to be significant.

This essay does not require significant research HOWEVER, you should conduct some basic research so that have an understanding of the primary artistic and critical concerns that inform your chosen artist’s work in general. Your essay should examine how the general critical concerns and artistic interests of your artist relate to site-specific work at the New School.

Site-Specific Works to Choose From

*You must select one of the works from the list below to write about. The following documents provide detailed information about each work:


New School Art Collection.pdf

Please note that there are works discussed in these documents that are not site-specific, so make sure you are writing about a work from this list:

Camilo Egas, Ecquadorian Festival (1932), 66 West 12th St.

Gonzalo Fonseca, Untitled, (1961), 66 West 12th

Martin Puryear and Michael van Valkenburgh, Untitled (1997), 66 West 12th

Dave Muller, Interpollations and Extrapolations, (2002-2008), 66 West 12th St.

Sol Lewitt, Wall Drawing #1073 A and B, Bars of Color (2003), 55 West 13th St.

Kara Walker, Event Horizon, (2005), 55 West 13th

Rita McBride, Bells and Whistles, (2014), 63 Fifth Avenue

Alfredo Jaar, Searching For Africa in Life (2014), 63 Fifth Avenue

Glenn Ligon, For Comrades and Lovers (2015). 63 Fifth Avenue

Brian Tolle, Threshold, (2006), 55 West 13th

*The works Brian Tolle requires an appointment to be viewed, and you must be accompanied by a faculty or staff member when viewing the work. Please contact Professor O’Dea if you are interested in writing about this work, and he will help you make the necessary arrangements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Site-Specific Art at the New School
Instructor’s Name
Site-Specific Art at the New School: Tseng Kwong Chi’s Disneyland, 1979.
The New School enjoys a rich historical background in the collection of a wide range of artistic works by renowned artists around the world. The art collections at the New School are a representation of both the institution’s and the city’s vibrancy and diversity as portrayed by the equally diverse social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of the artworks. The installation of the artworks at specific sites within the institution's public spaces reflects the New School’s commitment to the appreciation and understanding of art through the different reactions it evokes from the audience. The site-specific art installations across different locations in the institution not only serve to enhance its appearance but also challenging students and other individuals to sharpen their analytical skills in developing the context of the various artworks in the vicinity. Among the site-specific artworks installed at the New School is Tseng Kwong Chi’s 1979 silver gelatin print with Mickey Mouse, also referred to as Disneyland. A comprehensive analysis of the intricate details of the piece of art and its interaction with the specific site of installation highlight some of the elements through which one can develop an informed understanding and meaning of the art work.[BIBLIOGRAPHY Chi, Tseng Kwong. 1979. "Disneyland." The New School. The New School Art Collection. New York.]
The piece of art is installed on the third floor of the New School on the 13th street is a portrait of the Hong Kong-born artist Tseng Kwong Chi standing next to Mickey Mouse in Disneyland California. The artist’s self-proclaimed inquisitive traveller is known for his wide range of self-portraits through which he seeks to unveil the intrigues behind the cultural and social landmar...
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