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How Pop Up Store Change The Fashion Industry

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How Pop Up Store Change The Fashion Industry

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How Pop up store change the fashion industry
How Pop up store change the fashion industry
Pop up retail shop is a new direct method which originated from LA in 2010. However, its history can be traced back into the “Vienna December market in 1298 when farmers selling seasonal goods are a temporary market”. Today pop up industry is worth 50 billion. The main argument of this paper is how pop- up method has been updated compared to conventional pop-up stores, the emergence of new pop-up brands, and how this method works harmoniously in the modern world. Additionally, this paper will seek to showcase how pop stores seem to be thriving on selling experiences and have deviated from traditional stores. Everything appears to be changing in the world today and while technology plays a significant role in the change, it is fair to credit man’s innovativeness because it has been at the center of everything. With regards to pop up stores, technology through social media has helped to popularize the idea but it is the hard work of a few individuals that saw an opportunity in this seemingly bizarre idea. This paper thus seeks to delve deeper discussing how pop up stores have revolutionized the fashion industry.[Yotka, Steff. "How The Merch Gets Made—A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Kanye West’S Pop-Up Shops." 2019. Vogue. /article/bravado-ceo-mat-vlasic-interview-kanye-west-pop-up-shops (accessed May 8, 2019)]
The first reason is because we are a living target within one click. Today, marketing has been made a lot simpler and target-specific. Through the Internet, fashion stores and other businesses have been able to thrive and sell more than in the past. Nowadays, pop up shops have been transformed from just a way of selling seasonal products. With revived marketing strategies whose focus is on fulfilling people’s needs, a revolution has taken place in the pop-up industry as well as small startup fashion brands. More people have become aware of the existence of pop-up stores and this is mainly because of the low cost of promotion strategies.
One of the ways pop up stores have been able to change the industry is by making it possible for people to personify brands. When something connects with people’s feelings and emotions, they will respond. One brand that has personified its brand and became incredibly successful is the Anti-Social Social Club. The Anti-Social Social Club is a clothing brand that was founded Neek Lurk, a 27-year old. This brand had its first physical incarnation in the city in which it started, that is, a pop-up shop in La Brea. Lurk had had a tumultuous journey in life and he wanted to share these with the world. He once said, “I base the brand on all negative stuff in my life.” His brand caught the eye of a lot of people and started trending on Instagram and this is a testament to the power of social media and its impact in popularizing pop-up stores. Man is empathetic and Lurk was banking on this fact to get his product out to the world. Additionally, it should be noted that his idea was among the first of its kind because no one had been seen to do a brand based on negative emotions. Once his brand got the attention he was looking for, it became easier to for him to share his ideas and to reach more people.[Amuse. "Anti-Social Social Club | How Neek Lurk Took Over The World Of Streetwear." 2019. Amuse. https://amuse.vice.com/en_us/article/43zmdb/anti-social-social-club-history (accessed May 8, 2019)]
One other thing that has helped pop-up stores to become as popular and profitable is the idea of selling an experience instead of a product. A good example is what Lurk does when it comes to making people want to buy his famous jacket. The design of the jacket is quite simple, but whenever he makes them available, people line up to buy and they are sold out hours after they are announced. Lurk makes use of social media but this is only a part of the psychological game he plays with his clients. He posts the product on Instagram a few hours before he releases the product which only helps to make people anxious and more determined to get the product. Here, Lurk makes sure that he sells his product as a limited edition and thus is able to cash in on people’s search for different experiences as well as being associated with a particular brand. This sale is indeed psychological because Lurk creates a shortage even before he starts selling. By making people anxious and in waiting mode, Lurk creates a desire in them and hence his success. While Instagram does the trick of making people aware, it is Lurk’s genius that is behind his success.[Coleman, Tom. “How the fashion industry is making the most of pop-up stores.” Storefront Magazine. /mag/how-the-fashion-industry-is-making-the-most-of-pop-up-stores/ (accessed May 8, 2019)]
Aside from Lurk’s genius, another aspect that has helped his store and others around the world is the association with celebrities. Celebrities want to be the first to don certain clothes. Many aspire to be trend-setters and it is profitable if one is able to create enough buzz around their product that celebrities will spare time to look at their work. The celebrity attention Lurk received came as a result of Kanye West’s decision to don his design. In the same week, Lurk’s website had over 2 million views. Well, the above statement on celebrities takes us back to the notion that social media has indeed helped to get people’s ideas to the world.
Aside from selling experiences, pop-up stores are also working extremely hard to offer their clients a more immersive and convenient experience. Having the customers as part of your brand or making them feel like they are a part of your brand is another strategy that is used by many brands incl...
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