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Wish Lanterns: Young Lives In New China

Essay Instructions:

Request on the attachment. The characters mentioned in the book to be quoted are xiaoxiao in wish Lanterns young lives in new china.


Essay on China-due Thursday 4/4
How are the Chinese people coping with the unique challenges that the country has seen in the last decades, and especially now? What do you foresee as the country moves forward? (~2-3 pages typed, double spaced)
For this essay I’d like you to consider the human side of the challenges that are particular to China-a country that is many respects at the top of its game. Rooting yourself in the story and life of "your” person in “Wish Lanterns”, draw on the following to develop a “portrait”:
How are young Chinese lives different from those of the generations above them? What appear to be the positives, ^he negatives? How do youth approach a new China, especially compared to their elders?
What has specifically changed (for Chinese youth broadly; specifically for the people on which you’re focusing)
What role, if any, do the Chinese (specifically, the person you read about) have in the changes in their lives? How do they feel about these changes-positively? Negatively? Why?
What do they seem to expect from the future? How does the future look for China?
You MUST root your essay on the person you've “met” in the book, and be specific in your details. You can also use the other text and any articles we’ve read (or others--but please cite your sources). Finally, center your essay around a thesis (ie, what’s your response to the initial question above?)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Xiaoxiao is born between 1985 and 1990. Her journey from childhood depicts balancing parental expectation against her own will, desire, and accomplishments. Her perception of life is different than her parents. She wants something more than, money, job or marriage to define her life. She thrives for purpose and independence in life. Xiaoxiao’s mother has a traditional mindset with regards to the protected place of women in society. According to her only two things can ensure women’s security; stable job and husband. Like most of the mothers, she also wanted her daughter to find a life partner as she graduated. Most of the elder generation mothers were virgins before their marriage and considered the husband to be only means of protection. Up till now, society has changed a lot to keep up with their traditional ideas. Xiaoxiao, like another member of the generation, is more focused on gaining independence rather than settling down in life.
The values as well as the ideals also drastically changed for the young generation. Xiaoxiao idealizes the women with monetary and physical independence as portrayed by the lead character of “the promotion diaries of Du Lala”. Applying for jobs in big companies and banks, not iron rice bowl, was the ideal starting point for all the young girls the next stage would be the one that starts with gaokao and having kids. Nonetheless, Xiaoxiao wanted to be a small business entrepreneur. Her ambitions were far higher than those of typical post-80s. she never wanted to be part of the rat race and with an interesting alternative.
Xiaoxiao opened a fashion store “Remember”. She and he best friend pinned all their savings and op...
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