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The life and economic contribution of African American in America

Essay Instructions:

Hey, the essay is 4 pages. Times New Roman font. 12 point font size. Double space. Cite sources using footnotes according to Chicago Manual Style.

Describe how African Americans survived slavery, contributed to the South's economy, and helped to Arricanize the American South.

This is the history text book link: https://www(dot)pearsonhighered(dot)com/revel/index.html

Note: In your discussion of the three queries above for the paper you should discuss ONE method African Americans used to survive the institution of slavery, ONE way enslaved people contributed to the economy and ONE way the South was Africanized by blacks. Include specific examples in the discussion. After your discussion of enslaved blacks survival include a discussion of how Blassingame addresses survival in Chapter 6 in The Slave Community.

Specific requirements in the second part of the document

Bibliograttphy: Second part of the document


Grading System for Paper


I.                   Structure =           25 points


A.        Introduction

B.        Body

C.        Conclusion

D.        Footnotes

E.        Bibliography


II.                Mechanics =         25 points


            A.        Grammar (including proper use of words)

            B.        Sentence structure and phrasing

            C.        Overall readability of paper

D.        Correct format and usage of footnotes

E.        Correct format for bibliography


III.             Content = 50 points


A.        Is it apparent that student is familiar with their source?

B.        How well does student prove her/his point?

C.        Does the introduction give a thorough overview of paper?

D.        How well does the paper address its thesis?

E.        Does the conclusion bring paper to a proper close?


Hist. 106 Paper Assignment

Drawing upon lectures, class discussions, and your text books, (The African American Odyssey, and The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South) from this course, write a four-page paper summarizing what you have learned in this class. In your paper, describe how African Americans survived slavery, contributed to the economy, and helped to Africanize the American South. Support your argument by citing specific examples from course lectures and readings in the class by using Chicago Manual of Style footnotes. Include a Chicago Manual of Style Bibliography page listing the required books for this course. You cannot use any outside source materials.

Note: In your discussion of the three queries above for the paper you should discuss ONE method African Americans used to survive the institution of slavery, ONE way enslaved people contributed to the economy and ONE way the South was Africanized by blacks. Include specific examples in the discussion. After your discussion of enslaved blacks survival include a discussion of how Blassingame addresses survival in Chapter 6 in The Slave Community.

Paper Requirements:

Paper Format

Papers should be four pages in length for content with a clear thesis, introduction, body, conclusion, and footnotes. Include a separate title and bibliography page. Papers are to be typed in 12 font, Times New Roman, paragraphs indented, double-spaced, and written in clear concise prose. Sub-topics not allowed only transition statements.



The use of another individual’s ideas or words without proper citation constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism is the worst form of academic misconduct. Avoid plagiarism by citing your sources using The Chicago Manual of Style. If you are unsure about what plagiarism is, please speak with me.

Late Papers

Papers are to be submitted through Blackboard. The link to upload the paper is now open and closes on Thursday 25 April at 11:00. Only one attempt will be allowed to submit the paper, therefore all parts of the paper should be included before clicking submit. Papers or parts of papers cannot be emailed to the Professor. Late papers will automatically receive a grade of “F.” 

Paper Components


Your paper should have a thesis; a sentence that states the main point of the paper.



Your introduction should tell the reader in brief what you are going to discuss in the body of

your paper. It should indicate how the paper’s contents will be organized and developed


Using the paper’s introduction as a guide, plan the major sections of the paper’s body and make sure that each section relates directly to the paper’s introduction and logically to the other section(s) in the paper. Provide transitional elements (phrases, sentences, paragraphs) in the paper’s body to logically connect ideas, paragraphs, and sections.

Do not use sub-topics.



Your paper’s conclusion should summarize the main points of the paper in much the same manner the introduction prepares the reader for what is to come.



Your paper should contain footnotes which cite your sources. No parenthetical references (lecture, articles, textbook, and other materials). Failure to cite sources is plagiarism which will result in the grade of “F”



Your paper should have a bibliography which lists the names of sources consulted. 


Other Information and Academic Resources:


Academic Dishonesty:

Your honor is one of your most valuable possessions. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. When writing, if you use someone else’s words, unique thoughts, or general sentence structure without crediting the source, you are committing plagiarism, which can best be described as a form of academic theft. Plagiarism is an honor violation and can be avoided by properly acknowledging the sources you consult using the Chicago Manual of Style. Internet sources are not exempt.


As defined in the university catalog, academic dishonesty includes cheating, assisting another student in acts of academic dishonesty, committing plagiarism (presenting another person’s words or ideas as your own), and the unauthorized possession of examination or assessment materials.  Academic dishonesty constitutes a willful circumventing of the learning process and skills acquisition designed within higher education. Students who transgress university academic honesty and integrity standards are subject to receive a zero on the course assignment in question. 



Essay Sample Content Preview:

The life and economic contribution of African American in America
Student’s Name
Millions of Africans migrated involuntary in America during the slavery period to provide cheap labor for the whites. The slaves who migrated from different regions in Africa formed the large number of the African Americans which managed to gain citizenship after liberation from slavery. In agricultural plantation like cotton farms, the African Americans experienced forced labor and harsh treatment from their masters. The slavery life in America was tough for African Americans as they had to remain under the rules of their masters. This paper provides information on how Africa American slaves survived in America and their significant contribution to the growth of the United States economy.[Darlene C. Hine, William C. Hine, and Stanley Harrold, The African-American Odyssey, Volume 1 (London: Pearson, 2018)]
Little is known about the survival of the slaves in North America as the northern states were dominated with poor and illiterate whites who kept minimal records of the past events. On the other side, the Southern States were dominated by the whites who were rich and elites who managed to keep records of the slavery experiences. For this reason, the liberation of the African American slaves in the Southern States took longer as compared to the Northern States. From the recorded information, the slaves were illiterate and poor. The slaves were denied almost all human rights and survived under harsh conditions in the hands of the white Americans.
In the eighteenth century, the slaves in poor and temporary houses with dirty floors, brick fireplaces, wooden chimney and few or no windows at all. This is considered as a poor habitation for a human being especially when compared to the houses their masters were living in. In the coastal South Carolina and Georgia, the slaves used to build their houses with tabby; consisting of lime, oyster shells, and roofs. The utensils and house properties varied from places to places with the common item being a wooden box for both storage and sitting and a plank that was used as a bed. The African American used wooden buckets for fetching water for drinking, cooking, and washing.
As the years progressed, the slaves advanced, and they were housed in large plantations and could manage to acquire substantial household items. However, most of the slaves remained in the primitive poor housing even after 1865 when slavery was abolished in America. Adult slaves wore minimal clothing with the children went naked till their late age of puberty. Men could wear shirts, trousers, and hats while working while women wore loose dresses and covered their heads with a handkerchief. Late in the George Manson’s Gunston Hall plantation, the slaves were allowed to make themselves homespun fabrics to replace the English clothes. The slaves survived on corn, yams, salt pork, and salt beef and salt fish which generally occurred occasionally.[Hine, Hine, and Harrold]
The African American slaves worked in the white’s plantation for long hours with low wages and unfavorable working environment. Most of the slaves were working at the cotton fields which played a significant role in the...
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