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Communism and the End of the Cold War

Essay Instructions:

You will write an essay that explores the given topic, one of the two listed below. It should be a complete essay, including an introduction, a conclusion, and evidence paragraphs, in the traditional 5 or 6 paragraph format. Because you will have access to your notes, I will be expecting clear and specific examples from class to support your ideas.
Did the end of the Cold War have an impact? Has the United States changed its actions globally or its attitudes toward current and former Communist countries? Has it increased or decreased its international interventions? Has its rhetoric or justifications changed? you need to use this website as one of resource: http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
The ideological and political tension between communist and capitalism countries continued during the first Cold War (1940-1960) and the second Cold War (1979-1989) up until the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The war that reshaped American generations and the world ended in 1991 after president Ronald Reagan demanded for the tearing down of the wall in June 1987. Less than three years after this call, East German authorities made an announcement that their citizens were now allowed to travel freely to and from West Berlin. Jubilant crowds with the intention of reuniting their city and their nation reduced the concrete curtain to rubble on October 3, 1990. The wall had divided Germany into capitalist and communist zones, with the west part renamed to the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) while the eastern zone renamed to the German Democratic Republic (GDR). East Germany was part of the collective defensive agreement known as the Warsaw Pact, formed by the Soviet Union in 1955. However, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Warsaw Pact crumbled on July 1991. On December 25 of the same year, the Soviet Union was dissolved and Russian domination ended, marking the conclusion of the Cold War. This paper discusses the impacts experienced following the end of the Cold War, the actions and attitudes of the United States towards the present and former communist countries, and the level of international interventions of the United States.[Americanyawp.com. “Chapter 25. The Cold War.” Americanyawp.com, /text/25-the-cold-war/] [Chapter 25: The Cold War] [Ibid] [Ibid] [Ibid]
The end of the Cold War saw partisans fighting to claim their role in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the conclusion of the war. In decades that followed, there was a debate whether the end of the Cold War was because of the work of Russian reformers and the internal fracturing of ossified bureaucracies or the militaristic pressure and triumphalist rhetoric of the conservatives. On February 9, 1950, Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin Republican had fueled fears that communism was spreading in the United States and McCarthyism or post war Red Scare became assign of a widespread and massive anticommunist hysteria which had engulfed Cold War America. Anticommunist has its roots in the mid-nineteenth century after Karl Marx published his Communist Manifesto and many Americans had viewed it as an alien ideology. The US government feared an internal communist subversion and began serious investigations of millions of federal workers and many actors, screenwriters, and directors were blacklisted for their alleged political ideologies. The Soviet Union has always been identified as a foreign threat in controlling and assisting its agents through its communism ideology.[Chapter 25: The Cold War] [Ibid] [Wall, Wendy. “Anti-communism in the 1950.” The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, 2009-2019, https://ap.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/fifties/essays/anti-communism-1950s] ...
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