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Church Of The Intercession - Museum Review

Essay Instructions:

This is another assignment,not the one we discuss before. The guide line is :How to Take Notes on an Art Object

Source: C. R. Jansen, Studying Art History, Prentice Hall, 1986

(adapted by Angela Sheng, McMaster University)


When, where, and by whom was the object created?

What other circumstances are known about it? (Provenance etc.)

How was it used? (to record, illustrate, persuade, beautify, or redefine reality)

Where was it used? (public/private spheres, sacred/secular places, courts, temples, homes)


What are the visual characteristics? (line, color, lightness/darkness, shape texture, space, size)

What materials and techniques were used?

How is the art object decorated or arranged?

What visual devices (or principles of composition) are used?

a. relationship of part to whole (harmony, variety, coherence)

b. relationship of part to part (balance, contrast, dominance/focus, movement, proportion/scale, rhythm/repetition, elaboration


What images does the object show?

What feelings are depicted?

What symbols are used? How are they reflective of social behavior, religious belief, and other values?


Why does the object look like it does?

What does the object tell us about the artist and culture that produced it?

What purpose(s) did it have?

How do its forms and imagery compared to those of other related objects?

And I’m a international student, don’t write too professional,thx.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Museum Review Student Name Subject Teacher Name Date Church of the Intercession Facts When, where, and by whom was the object created? The Church of the Intercession belongs to the Tobolsk and Tyumen Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. It was originally built in 1792, and it is believed that this object and other similar objects were created in the year 1987. These kinds of objects are commonly found in New York City, and the creator of this object is C. R. Jansen. It has been adapted by Angela Sheng, McMaster University. What other circumstances are known about it? By taking a look at the object, we get to know that it has been created to revive the Gothic Revival style. This is considered the house of worship for Ukrainians and is one of the masterpieces of woodwork. How was it used? In the culture of Ukraine, such things are of great value since they are the places where people come in a large number for praying. A simple, black background that gives us a feeling that this church has been surrounded by forests is what makes this object look incredible and attractive. Where was it used? The object is primarily present in McMaster University; however, the photos of this church can be found at homes and public and private organizations, where Ukrainians work in a large number. Form What are the visual characteristics? The object is rectangular in shape, with three minarets placed on its top. One of them (which is present on the left side) is larger than the two other minarets. As far as the visual effects are concerned, the creator has chosen a black-and-white format instead of filling the whole piece with vibrant or multi colors. What materials and techniques were used? It looks like simple techniques and materials have been used to maintain quality. For example, the front side where the church is present is made visible with white color. The back side looks dark and seems to have been painted with the combination of black and brown shades. The original church was built with wood, white stones, and bricks. How is the a...
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