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The Adverse Effects of the Contact to the Modern Indigenous Communities in America

Essay Instructions:

For those of you interested, I am offering an opportunity for extra credit. You are to find a current news article (online or physical) and relate its content to the themes and events of our course. The article you choose must be current, published since the beginning of the semester, and from a newspaper, or news website. The key to this assignment will be choosing the right article, so don't necessarily write on the first article you find.
You can make the connections to any of the material we've covered in the course, going back to contact between Europeans and Native Americans, but you should be prepared to explain what the connection is, and how it either reflects the course material showing that the issue is ongoing and remains current, or is a unique and different version of a similar circumstance. For instance, we've been talking in class about foreign policy decisions affecting domestic politics, so you may be able to find an article that focuses on similar decisions that mirror or develop that idea in current events. However, it is not enough to simply find an article on, for example, the economy and make the connection between the economy now and the fact there was an economy in the past. You should connect your article to a specific event, trend, or movement from class (economic events are fine, as long as it is a specific connection, and the same goes for political, social, military, or any other connections made).
The article you chose should NOT make the historical connection for you. This is meant to be your exercise in finding historical context and precedent in current events using what you have learned, not detailing on what journalists have found.
You should write your paper in the style of the response papers. It should start with a brief synopsis of the article and then the rest of the 1 - 2 pages should make the connections to the course material. Include a copy of the article, and necessary identifying information, with your assignment. As always, let me know if you have any questions. The assignment is due on or before class on 6 May.
You need to have work cites on each page, and have an extra page for work cites. please also offered me the Copy of the article !!!
here is a website which is related to our class, and your essay need to have something related class material

Essay Sample Content Preview:

History Essay: Native American Languages
The history of America is directly linked with the contact of European settlers and the Native American people. There is no doubt that the Europeans interfered with the normal functioning of the native communities. The settlers required the natives to change the aspects of their lives including religion and culture. In the process, a majority of the native communities ended up losing their languages as they adapted foreign languages especially English. In this regard, the selected article demonstrates the adverse effects of the contact to the modern indigenous communities in America.
A newspaper article on The New York Times on April 7, 2019 reports about the activities of summer camps meant to save the loss of indigenous languages in America. The article reports about an upcoming event in July 2019, where 20 7 and 8-year-olds will meet at a summer camp that will take place in the Hoopa Valley Indiana Reservation, in Northern California. The only special rule for the meeting is that no one will be allowed to speak in English. The meeting will be held up entirely in Hupa, which is the native language of about 4,000-member Hoopa Valley Tribe that resides in that areas of the state. The author notes that native speakers of Hupa have declined for the last few decades. The tribe members estimate that only about 20 individuals are fluent enough to teach the native language and pass it on the next generation. The aim of the camp is to change that by creating new speakers among the young generation. However, with such summer camps, the organizers wish to address the issue. They hope that the camp can make a contribution towards generating interest regarding native languages among children. With such camps, more children will learn about their native language and ensure the native languages do not become extinct.[Zaveri, Mihir. 2019. With Indigenous Languages in Steep Decline, Summer Camps Offer Hope]
The article connects to what has been covered in class regarding the contact between Europeans and Native Americans. Since the Europeans began arriving in America, the native languages spoken by the indigenous peoples have been declining. Before the arrival of the colonialists, about 300 languages were spoken in America. However, the number has reduced, and today only about 167 indigenous languages are spoken throughout the country. Estimates further suggest that by 2050, only 20 to 40 of these indigenous languages will be remaining.[McConvell, Patrick, and Nicholas Thieberger. "State of Indigenous languages in Australia-2001, Australia State of the Environment Second Technical Paper Series (Natural and Cultural Heritage), Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra." (2001).]
Such a trend is worrying and calls for an examination on what has been happening to the indigenous languages. The European settlers marginalized the indigenous peoples. The settlers pushed them away from their land and gave them lands far away from their original homes. In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, the government worked towards eradicating the Native American culture. Through assimilation programs, the government started boarding schools for indigenous children, which separated them from their families for some time. The curriculum was designed in a way to force these students to learn English. The students were forced to use European names and were constantly punished whenever they used their native languages. The assimilation programs aimed to ensure a homogenous culture throughout America. It was not until 1972 when Congress passed the Indian Education Act that the government changed these policies. The Act gave the indigenous tribes the ability to control schools for their children. It further made it legal to teach native children in indigenous languages. In 2006, Congress went ahead and approved funding for the tribes that wish to start language programs in the local schools.[Worldatlas.com. 2019. Endangered Native Languages Of The United States. /articles/endangered-languages-of-the-united-states.html.]
Essentially, preserving native languages is paramount. Languages define identify of a particular group because it is linked to culture. Preserving a language enables individuals to maintain their cultural identity. Communities feel empowered when they sp...
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