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The Cold War and the US and USSR's Actions that Contributed to the Tension

Essay Instructions:

(50 points) You will write an essay that explores the given topic, one of the two listed below. It should be a complete essay, including an introduction, a conclusion, and evidence paragraphs, in the traditional 5 or 6 paragraph format. Because you will have access to your notes, I will be expecting clear and specific examples from class to support your ideas.

1) Who started the Cold War? What actions did the USA take that contributed to the tension?

What was their motivation? What actions did the USSR take that contributed to the tension? What was their motivation? Was the Cold War avoidable?

please use this website for one of resource:http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
While Cold War was a worldwide ideological and political struggle between communist and capitalist countries, especially between the Soviet Union and the United States, the aggression began with George Kennan, the charge d’affaires of the United States embassy in Russia. Kennan had written a lengthy telegram on February 22, 1946, barely a year after World War II, expressing his disgust against the world communism and called for a disunity between the Soviet Union and the United States. These aggressive anti-Soviet comments seized the United States government and its people. Since there were no direct shootings between the Soviet Union and the United States, this war referred to be “cold” and not “hot,” but the rivalry bent the world to its caprices. This paper identifies that the United States contributed to the tensions resulting in cold war, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) contribution to the tension, and examines whether the Cold War could be averted.[Americanyawp.com. “Chapter 25. The Cold War.” /text/25-the-cold-war/]
The motivation to enter the Cold War emerged out of failure to reach a substantial settlement among the Big Three Allies, the Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union when they met at Potsdam and at Yalta in Russian Crimea to shape the order after World War II. Historians have also noted that the Cold War had a long history. The World War II cooperation among the countries did not achieve to erase decades long mutual suspicions between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Bolshevik Revolution had overthrown the Ru...
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