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Benefits Of Gaming: Development And Improvement Cognitive Skills

Essay Instructions:

Below are the 3 sources I have been approved to use. I have also included the directions for the paper.




Task Description

Whether it includes going over an assignment, explaining a diagnosis, giving instructions on how to fix something, etc… Therefore, I want you to inform your audience about something relating to your “one topic” idea and teach us about that idea. Choose an aspect of your one topic that is interesting to you so that you can make interesting to others. In this assignment, you MUST do the following things:

 Introduction

o Attention getter

o Tie to your audience

o Credibility statement

o Thesis, which includes a statement telling your listeners the main points to follow.

 Body

o From your textbook, determine the most effective organizational pattern for your topic, purpose, and audience.

o You need to use transitions in between main points.

o The body of your speech needs to be in your own words, do not rely on quotes.

o Provide sources throughout the body of your speech, orally citing each when you use the information so your listeners know you borrowed the information.

 Conclusion

o Recap your points, remind us of what we have learned because of experiencing your speech

o Memorable ending, connecting back to your attention getting idea in some way.

 Sources

o Provide three sources for this topic

o You may NOT use yourself as a source

o You may use ONLY ONE .com

o You may use unlimited .org, .net, .edu and .gov sources.

o You may use ONLY ONE personal interview, survey or poll

o NO Wikipedia sources

o You may NOT use multiple articles from the same source/site

o You must cite these sources DURING your speech. When citing sources, state the date, author and title. If there is no author – cite the date, title of the site/source, title of the article

o You must cite these sources WITHIN your outline and in your work cited, as well as in your speech.

 Delivery, be mindful of…

o Eye contact

o Stance

o Volume

o Enunciation

o Vocal variety

o Gestures

Details about Your Speech

 Your informative speech must be five to six minutes long. You will lose five points if you do not make your time.

 You may NOT write your speech out word-for-word, but you may speak from an outline or notecards. Practice your speech utilizing the extemporaneous method of delivery. The extemporaneous method of delivery means that you outline your speech, but when you deliver your speech, you elaborate on that outline.

 Deliver your speech in front of an audience of 12+ people, 16+ years old. You must: (1) Pan the audience, (2) Have each person count off, and (3) Make certain that all 12 people are captured on camera before continuing with your speech.

 Please be sure to stand and tape yourself from at least your waist up, if not your whole body. Do not sit in front of your computer for this speech.

 Once you have taped yourself giving your speech (an audience is required for this assignment), you should upload your speech.

 When you upload your speech, you must put your first name, last initial, class number, assignment title.

Grading Rubric

 The following scale is used to grade you: Excellent (10 points), Good (8 points), Average (6 points), Weak (4 points), Poor (2 points), Did not include (0 points)

 You are graded over the following items:

o Properly displayed the audience and was captured on tape from at least the waist up

o Chose an appropriate topic and dressed professionally

o Utilized notecards or an outline and spoke for 5-6 minutes

o Delivered an articulate introduction

o Delivered an articulate main point one

o Delivered an articulate main point two

o Delivered an articulate main point three

o Delivered an articulate conclusion

o Fully incorporated and cited three sources

o Delivered an overall articulate speech

Objectives Met

Delivery - communication apprehension and stage fright; presentation and delivery skills; and non-verbal communication.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benefits of Gaming
Change is inevitable, and the world today is dynamic experiencing change every day, to succeed in it one needs to have the skills to adapt and move with this change. Our communities today have changed and so has the cultural practices. What was deemed immoral or wrong ten years ago is now acceptable and embraced, for example, same-sex marriage? In this scenario a decade ago parents would only limit their kids a few hours of video games in weak or completely deny them gaming opportunities during school semesters claiming it does lower morale or insight violence. However, this is slowly changing as new knowledge about gaming is being discovered every day. It is not unusual to see some private school with special rooms where students are assigned specific periods to play games. As the world experience technological, social, environmental and cultural change so is, our education and one of the aspects that are influencing education in this era is the gaming factor. Games are now used to teach children some aspects of the curriculum; it has also been observed that gaming increases the life skills of the players and increases creativity. In this respect, this paper is going to look at the benefits of gaming.
Contrary to the ancient belief that gaming is a source of entertainment and laziness besides being addictive, recent research has proved that gaming has numerous benefits and key among these benefits is the development and improvement of the cognitive skills. So just, like the muscles with the physical exercises, indulging the brain with cognitive games helps in the stimulation and development of one's brain and hence better performance. The above is proven by looking at both girls and boys who play video games. They tend to be more creative regardless of the type of game they play according to research by scholars from Michigan University. The child who played vid...
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