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Software Licensing Issues Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:


Assignment: Software Licensing Issues

Hypothetical company Jossup Enterprises has created a unique security protection program that checks the integrity of files downloaded into a designated system while also monitoring system and file access. Jossup plans to license this program to customers for a substantial fee on a per user basis.

What legal issues might Jossup encounter and how would you advise it construct it's licensing contracts to avoid those legal issues?

I have gathered some links to help you start your research. The last link will take you to an actual example of a software license on a per-user basis.

Here are some links to articles that you may find helpful:




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Software Licensing Issues
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In order to provide licensed software to customers, it is important for Jossup to remember a couple of things. First of all, they might not be allowed to take a substantial amount per user until or unless they do not get permission by the authorities. Another major thing to bear in mind is that they will be asked to maintain the quality, to give full access of the licensed software to the customer as quickly as they make a payment, and to specify guidelines at an early stage.
Without following those guidelines, it will become difficult for the company to operate for long. The chance is that serious legal action will be taken (Trappler, 2013). Alternatively, it can be considered unethical or immoral. In order to avoid all legal or ethical issues and to resolve the possible issues, the company will have to take patent rights on the software. These patent rights will clarify that the software, program or tool is now the property of Jossup Enterprises. It will also prove that people developing and selling similar software are not good to go with, as Jossup Enterprises is the original and official owner of the software and they only provide licensed so...
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