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Please Read the U.S. v McNealy Case

Essay Instructions:

Please read the U.S. v McNealy case.

An excerpt of the case is provided in the attachment. After reading the case answer the four questions below. Make sure you fully answer each question, numbering your answers to correspond to the questions.

Word count not including the questions themselves.

1. What was the primary issue in the excerpted case?
2. How did the court answer the issue; i.e., what was the court's decision or holding?
3. What was the court's reason for it's decision? For this question explain how the court applied the facts to the law.
4. How does this case apply to this week's material?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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This case involved Joseph McNealy appealing his conviction for possession and receipt of child pornography in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(2), (a)(4)(B). Some of the major issues he raised were whether or not the Speedy Trial Act was contradicted, the destruction of the hard drives of his computer was bad, and the pornographic depiction of kids were authenticated as images of actual kids.
More than nine thousand pornographic photos of kids were found when a nationwide investigation of porn websites was done. Evidence revealed that Joseph McNealy had bought memberships to some of these sites. In order to resolve the case, federal agents interviewed Joseph at his residence, where he consented to a search of his computer device.
Those nine thousand porn images of children were downloaded from top commercial websites and social media platforms. Federal agents had to create copies of a forensic image of the hard drives of McNealy's computer. Before the trial could begin, the district court had granted continuances upon the request of the Government and McNealy. At trial, the Government had introduced print-outs of several photos found in his computer system. McNealy was then found guilty and was sentenced to jail.
Joseph McNealy contended that the evidence was not sufficient to support his conviction as it could not s...
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