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Software Problems Related To Cyber Warfare

Essay Instructions:

The paper will research the software problems attributable to Cyber Warfare. This paper must address the emerging Cyber Security concerns related to software problems. What kind of ramifications do you foresee if our software security is not the highest standards

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Software Problems Related To Cyber Warfare
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Software Problems Related To Cyber Warfare
Cyber warfare is a broad topic with the research community increasingly gaining interest in numerous subtopics within field of cyber warfare or cyber war. Comparing existing definitions of cyber warfare, Robinson, Jones and Janicke (2015) have found that the terms cyber-attacks, cyber warfare and cyber war are not well differentiated and thus the terms can be applied interchangeably. Cyber-attack is simply an act in the cyber space, which would potentially cause detriment. While cyber warfare refers to the application of cyber-attacks with war-like intentions, the definition of cyber war extends to a situation when a country declares war and advances to apply only cyber warfare strategies to execute its mission without involving air strikes or other means. Cyber warfare threats in the United States and globally are increasing in scope and the impact and scale of such threats are overwhelming (Andress & Winterfeld, 2011). As experts from the military, academia, and civilians grapple with the puzzle of making the cyberspace secure, hackers are now focusing more on software security vulnerabilities that might provide a weak target for executing their attacks. Examples of cyber warfare in recent past include the Kosovo War in 1999, Russia-Georgia War in 2008, Operation Cast Lead in 2008, the Tulip Revolution II of 2009, and The Jasmine Revolution of 2011 (Carr, 2011). This paper uncovers emerging cybersecurity concerns attributed to software issues as well as looks at the possible ramifications that might result if software security is not of the highest standards.
Computer network warfare has evolved at unprecedented rates. As a response to secure military computer networks, Cyber Command works globally to protect the cyberspace, which is outside the conventional battlefields such as land, air, sea, and space. It is becoming necessary to establish a computer warfare command-and control systems at major military bases to secure air defence weapons and network and software-intensive systems (Reich et al., 2010). Cyber-attacks employ software as critical tools running over an interconnected network to disrupt or damage military information systems or command. According to Reich et al. (2010), software as weapons represent important opportunities as part of future warfare and advanced militaries have the capacity to launch cyber-attacks not only against networks and data, but also against critical infrastructure that rely on such networks. An example of software problems that have raised cyber security concerns is TOR, also known as The Onion Routing. The TOR Project is an example of anonymity online software tool that enables attackers to remain anonymous while connected to the Internet (Reich et al., 2010). Although the original intent of creating the software was to protect the privacy of individuals speaking out against repressive regimes or protecting people reporting cases of child abuse, hackers are increasingly exploiting the anonymity to hide their online activities while committing crimes.
Anonymity tools like TOR are a cyber-security concern since the software is capable of tracing its target program and its functionality without the knowledge of its users. It protects against traffic analysis, which is frequently used technique for Internet surveillance (Reich et al., 2010). TOR users can browse the Internet without leaving any trace of their browsing activities or history behind. This introduces a serious problem of lack of attribution since the attacker will not be identified. Cybersecurity professionals use traffic analysis to identify communications between two parties over ...
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