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Why You Need to Be a Gamer. Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

The paper must persuade the reader to be gamers so that the technology of gaming will continue to evolve.

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Why You Need to Be a Gamer
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Why You Need to Be a Gamer
The gaming world has seen growth in the past few decades as more people have become enthused with playing video games. Currently, the gaming world is one of the most profitable industries in the world. In September 2013, the world woke up the news that “the fourteenth installment of Grand Theft Auto did $800 million in worldwide sales in its first 24 hours” (Kamenetz, 2013). Kamenetz continues to say that this was “the biggest launch day ever for any piece of entertainment – any movie, any record, anything at all.” This means that the gaming world has indeed grown and evolved to become a major industry without which the world would feel the void. It should be noted that Grand Theft Auto is not the only game to set a record in sales. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is known to have grossed “$1 billion in 15 days” something that has not been replicated in the other sectors of entertainment, that is, movies and music. But all the above is about the industry, so what good will playing video games do to me you ask. Well, this paper seeks to support the notion that playing video games will help increase your workplace productivity, improve your attention span, and turn you into a better employee while eventually helping the gaming technology to evolve.
Researchers from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu discovered that playing video games leads to changes in brain activity. In their study, Qui et al. (2018) concluded that “long and brief AVG (action video gaming) experience influenced cognitive processes related to attentional selection and control processes.” When people play video games, they are often glued to the action on their screens. Their eyes and hand coordination have to be accurate if they are to execute the plays and win as it is expected. What this does is that it helps to increase one’s attention span. So, as a gamer, your attention span even in other activities and chores will improve, and you will be aware of your environment and what is happening around you.
Gaming can also help turn you into a better employee. Employers have been complaining about how their employees are wanting in many areas. Barr (2019), a lecturer at the University of Glasgow as well as the vice-chair of the British Digital Games Research Association, has a solution. People need to be video game players. In his article, Barr confirms that playing video games, especially multip...
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