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What is Superior, “True Opinion” (Gut Feeling) or Knowledge?

Essay Instructions:

Don't let the professor see that I'm cheating, don't use too difficult words

Instructions: From section 1, choose two questions; from section 2, choose also two questions. Write a total of four well-balanced essays answering the questions in correct and concise English (an excessive amount of grammatical and spelling errors will result in a lowering of the grade). Please indicate at the beginning of each essay of sections 1 & 2 which question you are answering. You may quote from the texts, if you like (but please with reference). If you wish, you can draw charts to explain your points (but do not leave them uncommented). Each question may have a maximum of 750 words, please add word count (global word count is fine). Please choose an Alias; I will email you when it is ok to reveal it. Please submit your test no later than midnight on March 9 on D2L-Dropbox (the box closes at midnight).

Section 1: Plato & Aristotle 1. What is “justified true belief,” according to Plato? 2. What is superior, “true opinion” (gut feeling) or knowledge? 3. Regarding the question of excellence over knowledge, which conclusion is reached at the end of the dialogue Meno? 4. Please explain the concept of soul (psyche) in Aristotle. What types of soul are there? How are they related? 5. Please explain Aristotle’s distinction between potentiality/actuality and matter/form and how they relate. Please use examples. 6. What types of life are there, according to Aristotle, and what are their respective functions?

Section 2: Augustine & Descartes 1. Please explain in detail what Augustine means with the term memory (memoria). 2. What types of forgetfulness are there, according to Augustine? 3. What are the steps in which Descartes develops his method of hyperbolic doubt? 4. What is certainty and why is it important for Descartes? 5. What function does the evil genius have in Descartes’ argument?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Foundation of Philosophy
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Word Count 567
Foundation of Philosophy
Section 1
2. What is superior, “true opinion” (gut feeling) or knowledge?
The theory of knowledge, put forward by philosopher Plato, eventually came to be a contest between the love for knowledge and true opinion. According to Plato, knowledge supersedes opinion because a true opinion can only be based on assumption and not substantiated by facts or rational explanations like knowledge (Pritchard et al., 2018). The argument behind the superiority of knowledge over true opinion is that a true opinion cannot be justified and is subject to change upon the presentation of a varied opinion. Plato, in his theory of form, likens the distinction between knowledge and opinion to that of reality and appearance (Macintosh, 2012). Knowledge represents the reality that never changes, whereas true opinion represents that which appears to be true and is often subject to change. Therefore, knowledge is superior.
6. What types of life are there, according to Aristotle, and what are their respectivefunctions?
Many different views have been presented on the concept of life, and Aristotle is one of the ancient philosophers to share his views about life. Aristotle's understanding of life presents three forms of life: a life devoted to gratification, the life of political action, and philosophical or a life of study and knowledge (Kraut, 2018). In the first type of life according to Aristotle, happiness, amusement, and pleasure, especially physical pleasure, is the essence of life. Aristotle however argued that pleasure and amusement play a minor role in life, as there are more important things to life than pleasure (Kraut, 2018). Philosophical life, that is, the life devoted to study and knowledge, is Aristotle's best form of life. A happy life is achieved in this form through the understanding of basic principles that defines life in the universe. Political life, on the other hand, is a life where there is a balance between thoughtful observation and ethical virtues and is a great source of qualities such as justice.
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