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The Effects of Covid-19 to the Working Class Individuals

Essay Instructions:

- Argumentative research essay

- as close to 1200 words as possible

- APA or MLA is fine

-1200 words max (not including bibliography)

- No PDF files

— minimum of 6 academic sources — things like academic journals, textbooks

— must be based on a Canadian perspective

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Class Systems and COVID-19
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Class Systems and COVID-19
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent that class inequality has contributed to the differences in the rate of COVID-19 infections. The pandemic has been especially hard on the working class, most of whom leave paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to stay away from work. According to Bryant et al. (2020), the impact of the pandemic has been class-related, indicating that the poor and the rich are not affected equally by the pandemic. The class and income gaps between the working and upper classes are evident in the number of risk factors faced by individuals in each class. In Canada, class systems affect how individuals in different classes respond to the COVID and adopt the prevention measures such as social distancing. While COVID-19 has affected many individuals, it has been more devastating to working-class individuals than upper-class individuals because the former have a higher risk of pre-existing chronic conditions, lower adherence to COVID-19 preventative measures, and are disincentivized to stay at home.
Other than dealing with the risk of COVID-19 infection, working-class individuals also have a myriad of pre-existing chronic conditions. These conditions increase their risk of infection when compared to upper-class individuals. According to a report released by the Toronto Health Check (2019), the risk factors for developing chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are higher among lower-income individuals when compared to higher income. This is attributed to the fact that access to primary care is limited among lower-income individuals. In the absence of primary care, these individuals are more likely to live with untreated chronic conditions or even engage in preventative activities. In addition, Bavel et al. (2020) indicate that working-class individuals are economically disadvantaged, and as a result of this disadvantage, they are more prone to pre-existing conditions that increase their rate of infection and mortality from COVID-19. Due to the economic situation of many working-class individuals, seeking medical attention is not always a priority. Jayathilaka et al. (2020) reveal that low-income earners often ignore their medical needs because their primary focus is on meeting other basic needs. One of the reasons why seeking medical attention is not a priority is that working-class individuals do not invest in medical care. In countries such as Canada, where healthcare is publicly funded, working-class individuals may still fail to seek prompt healthcare even when they have health insurance. This is because they cannot afford to miss work and usually delay or avoid seeking medical attention. They end up with untreated medical conditions, and without proper care, these conditions affect their immunity and predispose them to COVID-19. Also, chronic diseases are influenced not only by individual behaviors, such as health-seeking behaviors but also other social and environmental factors such as exposure to air pollution chemicals, among others (Toronto Health Check, 2019). Working-class individuals are more likely to be exposed to these environmental factors as they provide manual labor in factories and industrial settings. Thus, their predisposition to pre-existing chronic illnesses makes COVID-19 more deadly to them.
Further, the response levels to COVID-19 in terms of taking the necessary precautions and adhering to them influence the severity of the disease and its consequences. However, when compared to upper-class individuals, working-class individuals are less likely to adhere to the COVID-19 prevention and control measure due to the nature of their occupations and the working conditions. For instance, working-class individuals working in production plants grocery stores, as well as those providing cleaning services, work in conditions that make it difficult to maintain social distancing measures (Bryant et al., 2020). As such, responding to COVID-19 by adopting measures such as social distancing has been difficult for them. However, they are encouraged to report to work even though they are no...
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