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Canada: Changing Climate and Health Concerns

Essay Instructions:

Follow the request in the pdf document and follow the paper and ppt given to write the essay about the impact on health in changing climate in Canada

INSTRUCTIONS: In the third assignment, students have a choice between human geography (health) or physical geography (oceans), as they relate to Canadian geography. Therefore, each student must choose to write on one of the following topics:

A. Health (e.g. Heatwaves, Floods, Hurricanes, Diseases)

B. Oceans (e.g. Sea-Level Rise, Coastal Flooding, Acidification, Sea Ice)

The assignment is to write a four-paragraph, two-page, academic report. Each report should do the following: a) demonstrate the importance of the topic; b) describe the weather sensitivity of the topic; c) report relevant climatic changes; d) identify climate change impacts and adaptation strategies. Each paragraph in the report must be based on at least 1 academic source (industry website, government report, or scientific article). Each paper should include a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, all cited in the text and listed in the bibliography. The paragraphs should follow a logical transition in geographic scale (transitioning from global, to national, to regional scales, when possible). There is more than one “right” answer for these questions so each student’s report will vary (which is fine). The main requirement is that each of the 4 paragraphs consist of 3 to 4 solid points (sentences), supported by academic sources (citations), to address the different elements described in the instructions. Direct quotations should not be used in this assignment (the use of direct quotations is rarely appropriate within academic writing). Communicate the information you have gathered from scholarly sources in your own words, but give credit to the author(s) by citing the source. When writing on a selected topic, students have the option to broadly cover the topic, or narrow the focus to one issue (like we have done in lectures). However, this needs to be clearly identified with the essay title and paragraph introductions. For example, you could write on human health in general (e.g. heatwaves, floods, fires, hurricanes, diseases), or narrowly focus on heatwaves (e.g. excess mortality, hospitalizations, ambulance calls, high-risk populations).

FORMAT: • Each essay should include a centred title (with the selected topic and specific focus identified) • Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing • 2-page minimum, 3-page maximum • Name and student number in the page header • Date and page number in the footer • 1” (2.54cm) margins • 4 academic sources (minimum) • APA style for in-text citations and reference list Assignment 3 Instructions MJH GGR 246 pg. 2

EVALUATION: Each assignment will be graded out of a total of 50 marks, including: a) topic importance (10 marks); b) weather sensitivity (10 marks); c) climatic changes (10 marks); d) impacts and adaptation (10 marks); and e) writing and referencing (10 marks). This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade.


A. Topic Importance (10) • Describe why your topic is important. • Identify the national significance of the topic. • Report the social, economic, and/or environmental value. • Discuss regional differences. *This paragraph is the one where referencing websites may be most appropriate (for industry statistics).

B. Weather Sensitivity (10) • Describe the relationship between weather and climate variability with your selected topic. • Explain how specific aspects of your topic as affected differently by weather and climate. • Identify which weather and climate variables are of greatest importance to your topic. *This paragraph should describe casual relationships and not report climatic changes or impacts.

C. Climatic Changes (10) • Report changes in the climate variables relevant to your topic (only). • Describe relevant climatic changes on global, national, and regional scales (if applicable). • Identify historical trends (from weather observations) as well as future projections (from climate models). *Be specific, provide actual values pertaining to the magnitude and direction of these changes.

D. Impacts and Adaptation (10) • Describe how historical (observed) climatic changes have impacted the topic. • Describe how future (projected) climatic changes may impact the topic. • Discuss available and/or potential adaptation strategies. *Impacts can include direct effects on the topic, as well as social/economic/environmental implications. E. Writing and Referencing (10) • Writing (spelling, sentence syntax, paragraph structure) • In-text citations • Reference list • Formatting

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Canada in Changing Climate: Health
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Canada in Changing Climate: Health
Topic Importance
Canadian climate change is a crucial element to address. Climate change refers to a long-term shift in the weather or climate patterns (Cheng & Berry, 2013). The topic is important since it will ensure the reduction of adverse effects of climate change in Canada. It is a critical phenomenon since it increases the possibility of illness or different adverse impacts. It has a national significance since climate change has a significant aspect on health and is understood to reduce adverse effects on the Canadian population. The shifts may be natural or artificially promoted. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the impacts and identify the impacts on human health. Climate change is critical due to changes in the temperatures and other aspects such as storms. Climate change on health impacts the economy by increasing medical costs and reducing close social interaction. Based on regional differences, Canada’s share of emission is at 1.5% compared to most regions, such as the United States, at 1.8% (Hayes et al., 2019). The paper address the key impacts of climate change on health in the Canadian population to ensure a reliable framework that can be considered to stabilize Canadian health.
Weather Sensitivity
Climate change is majorly associated with global warming with major health impacts such as kidney damage, liver issues, respiratory impacts, and gastrointestinal illness. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, Canada is among the list exposed to global warming caused by climate change due to rapid artificial activities (Warren & Lemmen, 2014). Temperature change is the major problem observed in Canadian climate change, which has been historically caused by the shifting in the precipitation patterns, loss of ice and snow, and rising sea levels. The impact of climate change in Canada is detrimental since it affects individual wellbeing and growth. Canada experiences average global warming, with the country's Northern section as the most impacted by climate change. According to historical research, 87% of the Canadian participants validated that they are noting climate change effects on the health, which is likely to cause more harm in the future, such as increased mortality. Therefore, there is a need to embrace a reliable platform that can be considered for streamlining climate change impacts and solutions.
Climatic Changes
There is a growing health concern noted by the climate change in Canada, which is heavily impacting food security and overall health. Based on the global scale, Canada is ranked at the top with 1,751 Cumulative emissions per population in 2021, tCO2 (Warren, 2021). The common health issues that climate change has on the Canadian population include adverse impacts of heatwaves and increased heat stroke (Cheng & Berry, 2013). Respiratory issues caused by wildfires are also a common problem that the Canadian population faces. Increased wildfires are also expected to occur in the future and may jeopardize the future of Canadian health. Severe air pollution is also noticeable in the country, thus increasing stress across the...
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