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Water Challenges in Developing Countries

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this paper assignment (6-7 pages, double space, 1” margins, 12pt font) is to compare and contrast a water quality topic on an international scale. Please choose a water quality issue from a foreign country or region and discuss differences and similarities with the United States on topics ranging from extent of the problem (might be a vast problem in the foreign country but almost non-existent in the U.S.) to scientific approaches to cultural attitudes to how government policy is established (or not) in order to handle the problem. Please keep in mind the salient points that need to be addressed to give a complete picture — go back and revisit them in the first writing assignment.

The possibilities for appropriate topics are endless, but some include:

1) Agricultural issues -- irrigation, fertilizer/nutrients, chemicals

2) Contamination in one country originating from another country (water bodies crossing borders)

3) Comparisons of water quality issues between the Central Valley in California and the Central Valley in Chile

4) NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) or the Peace Corps and their role in water quality in third world countries. WWF, Blood:Water Mission, 1000 Wells project, Gates Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, etc. are some examples of NGO's

5) Salinity intrusion in coastal regions

6) Sewage problems in third world countries—bacterial contaminants, cholera, hepatitis A

7) Arsenic in Bangladesh

8) Natural or man-made disasters (oil tanker spills, hurricanes, tsunamis, plant explosions, chemical spills, etc.), impacts and cleanup

9) The impact of climate change on water quality (drought/flooding/erosion, rising sealevel, numerous possibilities)

10) Recycling of electronics or other materials

11) Impact of military operations on ground and surface water quality; examples of impacts: lead, rdx, tnt contamination of surface and ground waters, radionuclide contamination due to nuclear weapons testing, etc.

Don't limit yourself to these if you don't find them exciting. If these don’t appeal to you and you still want help, you are free to come by my office and we can look at the world map together.

To conclude your paper, please provide a synthesis of what you have learned — what could the U.S. learn from the international community and vice versa? It might work well to write this as an op/ed piece for a newspaper.

The structure is really important. Please look at the rubric below to make similar structures for this one. 2-3-1 sentence structure needs to be used.

A one-sentence thesis is needed in 6 hours.

The structure is really important. Please look at the rubric below to make similar structures for this one. 2-3-1 sentence structure needs to be used.

May consider this as a thesis. "Although both China and the United States have relatively serious industrial wastewater problems, the treatment of industrial wastewater in China is not very effective due to differences in policies and treatment methods."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Water Challenges in Developing countries
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Water Issues in Developing countries
The lack of adequate water of good quality is one of the biggest environmental challenges facing developing countries in the 21st century. Environmental sustainability was one of the eight-millennium goals that the United Nations set at the Johannesburg Earth Summit in South Africa to ensure proper sanitation becomes a universal goal by 2020. The target was to make at least 100 million slum dwellers in developing and third-world countries access clean water. However, it remains a dream as developing countries such as India continue to grapple with challenges of clean and safe water for domestic and commercial use (Oguekwe, 2017). In this paper, we compare issues related to access of clean water in the U.S and India, a case study of a developing country.
Many international financing agencies and governmental agencies in developing countries use access to quality water as an indicator of improved living standards, especially among slum dwellers. Many U.S Non-governmental organizations also promote access to clean water to eradicate diseases caused by inadequate water or rather 'poor' quality water. It is estimated that, over 40% of the population in India lack access to clean water for use, which becomes a major challenge when containing diseases and environmental pollution. Research by the WHO shows a direct link between poor sanitation and diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and other infectious diseases in developing countries.
The United States and its partners are committed to supporting a blue economy where countries worldwide will have adequate access to quality water to meet human, ecosystem and livelihood needs (Oguekwe, 2017). In order to achieve this target, a key framework that supports government, individuals, and organizations should be developed. To attain a world-secure world, the United Nations must incorporate principles discussed in this paper which include; improving access to quality water and sanitation, Encouraging water resource management, and improving water access for industry and irrigation.
1 Improving Access to Quality Water and Sanitation
The social, economic, and health effects of limited access to clean water in India are massive and are mostly aided by international partners such as the UN and UNICEF. The international community had agreed, as one of its goals, to half the number of people who have access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015. While the United States is at the forefront of making sure that the world is steadily moving towards attaining the goal, India lags behind due to the many challenges in the region. Developing countries continue to lag on sanitation, especially those in South Asia and Africa, and the UN estimates that Sub-Saharan Africa will attain the Millennial Development Goals by 2076 (Mutikanga et al. 2009).
           International acceptable standards for clean water for human use do not consider water quality and reliability. For example, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) gave estimates that 65 percent of the population in India have access to piped water. However, the water quality in the region is so poor that people contract water-borne diseases from the public water supply. In contrast, in the U.S, the WHO estimate 98 percent of the population has access to piped water and only 1 percent of people in the rural areas cannot access piped water.
* Strategies to Improve clean water and Sanitation in India
The U.S government has been at the international forefront in addressing issues dealing with clean water and sanitation to meet internationally accepted standards. However, there are huge gaps in solving the challenge, such as financial hurdles, governance, and technical capacities to address the challenges. The USAID developed five key pillars that will help address clean water issues in India which include;
* Provide an enabling environment to support community organization, good policy implementation, and public-private partnerships.
* Hygiene promotion and behavior change to sustain sanitation and clean water in communities by promoting social awareness programs in schools and hospitals.
* Access to tools and equipment that will enhance water supply and sanitation in rural areas can be easily accessible to the communities. 
* Strengthen the sustainability and capacity of small-scale water providers who operate in rural regions. 
* Improving financial sustainability and operations relating to clean water supply and sanitation. Most developing countries like India suffer from access to donor funding, making it difficult to manage water programs.
2 Encouraging Water Resource Management
All nations require sustainable clean water of substantial amounts to support society's needs, maintain the ecosystem and promote economic growth. In India, ground and surface water resources face challenges of pollution, withdrawals, and diversions. Factors stressing the limited water resources include environmental degradation, population growth, climate change, and hydrological variability. The clearing of forests for timber and agricultural land has greatly affected watersheds which have led to greater potential for drought and floods, increased erosion, and reduction in groundwater recharge (Tandlich, 2014). Many Asian and African countries face similar consequences as a result of hydrological effects on the environment and will continue to suffer unless they reverse the trend. 
           Climate change has also contributed to the decline in water resources which has affected agricultural practices and caused a shift in human settlement. The ever-growing demand for clean water in India to meet the urban, agricultural, and industrial needs has led the government to develop diversion infrastructure and dams. Climatic change affects water levels in dams and reservoirs which can affect the consumption of water in households. In the United States, many families continue to embrace the use of green technology, For example, the U.S was among the first country to promote and adopt the use of electric vehicles to reduce carbon emission. The major challenge facing developing nations such as India is how to use their renewable water resources to meet environmental, economic, and human needs while at the same time protecting this precious commodity. 
* Strategic Response
Improving water resources requires protecting water quality to meet immediate human needs...
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