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Social Meanings Project: The Winner of Doublespeak Essay

Essay Instructions:

Social Meanings Project

Over the next few weeks, you will complete a project related to the ways language and attitudes toward language influence the way people experience the world. You will have four tasks to complete. In the end, you will combine all of your work into a packet that you will submit on the due date listed under Social Meanings Project.


1. After completing the reading on doublespeak, write a one page announcement of the winner of the Doublespeak Award. The winner may be a public figure or institution. PLEASE DO NOT NOMINATE ELECTED OFFICIALS. Provide two examples of doublespeak from the winner. The examples should be from the last two years. The examples must contain hidden messages related to gender, race, social class or nationality. Quote the statements. Explain the meaning that is obscured in each and show how it leads to deception or misconception.


1. Entertainment, news reporting, education and sports are among the domains that offer experiences that contribute to implicit bias. Your task is to select one of these areas and write a 1 ½-2 page paper about the role it plays in promoting implicit bias based on gender, race, disability, race, nationality or other social factors. Give examples.

2. Find two statements from public figures that show implicit bias. Explain how they show this bias.

C. Like other dialects, Appalachian English is governed by a set of rules. You've read the article Dialects, Standards and Vernaculars posted in Files. Complete the exercise on Appalachian English featured in the article.

D. Appalachians, as well as groups of Mexican and Puerto Rican ancestry have developed distinctive varieties of English. Your task is to investigate the history of one of these dialects. Describe the history that led to the development of the dialect. Explain where it is spoken, when speakers use it and who the speakers are. Discuss the way outsiders view the dialect. Provide at least three words the dialect has contributed to mainstream English.


1. List four Spanish words that entered English through Hispanic immigration.

2. List four West African words that entered English through the ancestors of African Americans.

3. List four words that entered English through immigration of speakers of Yiddish.

4. List four words that entered English through immigration of speakers of Arabic.

There are no word limits for these tasks. if you need more pages, let me know and I will add. Make sure you fully and thoroughly answer the questions and complete the tasks.

Additionally, all pages should follow APA guidelines. Times New Roma 12pts, double spaced, one inch margin. Also, if you cite, you must be able to find the source. There must be APA in text citation in the article and references at the end.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Meanings Project
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Social Meanings
The Winner of Doublespeak
Doublespeak is a group of words deliberately chosen by the speaker to distort reality or add deception to it. In this respect, when the whole world began to face the horrors of the global pandemic, the news media in American played an essential role in misleading the public about its seriousness and administrative responsibility. The pandemic has its roots in contagious infection by COVID-19, which is from the family of coronavirus. The American news media intentionally used doublespeak phrases “China Virus,” “Chinese Virus,” and many others to alleviate the government’s responsibility for the initial decision and scapegoat China. News Media has deliberately repeated these phrases to mislead the common man about the pandemic's severity and causes by an unofficial and biased name. It is a type of inflated doublespeak. The winner of doublespeak, American news media, has used prejudiced words against Asia. For example, the “Chinese Virus” has a bias in its core leading to anti-Chinese passion throughout the USA (NCTE, 2020). As racism and nationality bias is already prevailing in American society, news media's receptive attitude in the time of pandemics has fuelled the fire. Across the USA, the spread of hate and bias against China and Asian nations reached its peak through this misconception about coronavirus produced by news media through doublespeak. It has widened the space and prejudice among the citizens of America based on color, race, and nation, as the country accommodates various races and nations. Using misleading doublespeak phrases, the news media personnel have played a political trick to distort the virus's origin as China (NCTE, 2020). All in all, it is only a misconception about the virus, as the doublespeak phrases in news media have hidden the clarity and accuracy of the concept of global pandemic 2020.
Another example of news media doublespeak is when Ynet News announced, “clear out the foreigners”, when fifteen persons get wounded in an incident of altercation between the natives and African immigrants in Kfar Manda (Shaalan, 2012). The manipulation of words as inflated doublespeak, once again marks news media a fit choice in the underlined scenario. In a nutshell, news media is doomed to distort reality and showcase social, financial, cultural, violent and political issues as per authoritative bias. It is the darker side of freedom to journalism that the head executives switch into words and twist facts in its own way. Hence, the selection of news media for the doublespeak award 2020 is a reasonable decision.
Entertainment Offering Experiences to Implicit Bias
Implicit bias is prevailing across the globe. It is a type of bias that continues to exist from one generation to another without surfacing as a problem in their consciousness. An individual or a group of people may never admit or believe that they have to do anything with bias. On the other hand, their psyche constantly stimulates their passion for the strict, unknown tracking of the bias instinctive due to generational, racial, and traditional drivers. This dark part of social and psychological truth is represented in the entertainment industry with a shocking general mentality. Several television programs and Hollywood movies depict implicit bias and its considerable degree in various social settings like color, race, disability, nationality, and other social statuses.
One of the finest examples of implicit bias presented by entertainment media is the movie “Tess of the d’Urbervilles.” In this movie, the marriage of the protagonist leads the couple to unfold their past. Both of them have a sexual relationship in the past with another person. Listening to this, Tess instantly forgives her husband, Angel, while Angel leaves her along right after their wedding as a punishment for her past sins. Although Tess's deliberate action, Angel feels irritated living with her (Saxena & Dixit, 2001). Hence, the movie's story depicts implicit gender bias through two similar actions by man and woman and different ...
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