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Hegel on The Absolute. Social Sciences Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Summarize this article and give your opinion about reality. Should knowledge be a part of reality or it is just a subjective reflex of the external things?


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Hegel on the Absolute
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Hegel on Absolute - Summary
Hegel's philosophy revolves around the Absolute concept. In simple terms, absolute can be referred to as the reality of the entire universe. Hegel believes that substance is substance as well as the object. The absolute itself is an object as well. The rationale alone can be considered a real thing (Stein, 2018). All the reality components can be rationalized and expressed in multiple categories. The reality is linked with synthetic unity and absolute idealism. The absolute refers to the most supreme or ultimate being, which is generally conceived as the total sum of potential and actual being. Absolute can be linked with spiritual reality, which is grounded as a whole and spiritual unity. The concept of absolute is old, which is present since ancient times. The human mind plays a role in participating in the self-knowledge of absolute. It can be interpreted concerning theistic components like luminous. Human beings can get themselves involved in self-knowledge of God (Bubbio, 2016). The individual's knowledge about absolute and absolute's components understanding itself are two different and unique things. The finite human mind can participate in self-knowledge of the divine (Kreines, 2020). The human's thoughts and ideas are limited and can be Absolute self-knowledge. In religion, the human spirit becomes conscious of the poetic or pictorial form (Cultural Studies Now, 2017). The human's consciousness focuses on subjective knowledge about objective truth. The spirit gets to know about its limitations and looks to correct its inadequacies and contradictions. The absolute knowledge in critical engagement and self-consciousness with reality.
I believe that absolute knowledge is critical engagement and self-cons...
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