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The Impact of Global Population Growth on the Emission of Greenhouse Gases: Social Sciences Essay

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The Impact of Global Population Growth on the Emission of Greenhouse Gases
The Impact of Global Population Growth on the Emission of Greenhouse Gases
The United Nations intends to acquire knowledge of the impact of global population growth on greenhouse gas emissions considering the rising levels of global warming. Therefore, this paper covers vast ideas on greenhouse gases, their sources, solutions, how they contribute to global warming, countries producing the most greenhouse gases, and the political, economic, and security challenges the emissions pose on Afghanistan as a developing country. The identified primary causes of greenhouse gases are deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal. In this case, these causes of greenhouse gases can be curbed through replanting trees and opting for environmentally friendly sources of energy like solar energy.
Section I: Background
1 Greenhouse gases are the gaseous components in the atmosphere that can absorb infrared radiation. The absorption leads to the gases trapping and holding heat in the atmosphere. Thus, greenhouse gases increase the amount of heat in the atmosphere resulting in the greenhouse effect, which eventually yields global warming. According to Lallanilla (2019), the basic greenhouses gases include water vapor (H20), Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N20). The availability of these gases in the atmosphere is the primary contributor to global warming.
2 Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming in a chain-like absorption of the gases to trapping heat, leading to the greenhouse effect whose ultimate ending is global warming. The gases absorbing radiation in the atmosphere are referred to as Greenhouse gases because they primarily lead to the greenhouse effect. Lallanilla (2019) claims that the effect then leads to global warming. The process is essential because the gases have to gain and hold heat, triggering the outcome leading to climate change. The confirmation of the four significant greenhouse gases is accredited to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the agency, although oxygen is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere, it does not absorb infrared radiation (Lallanilla, 2019). Thus, it does not impact the environment negatively, like greenhouse gases.
Although some people, including scholars and researchers, hold that global warming is a natural process and the greenhouse gases have always existed, the amount of gases in the atmosphere has increased significantly recently. For instance, a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (N0AA) reveals that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed a hundred times in the period after the industrial revolution compared to the prior era without the venture. Lallanilla (2019) argues that the given statistics are 180 parts per million during the ice ages to 280 parts per million in the warm interglacial periods. The degree to which the greenhouse gases influence three factors determine global warming; its abundance in the atmosphere, the length of time it stays in the atmosphere, and its global warming potential. For example, carbon dioxide impacts global warming significantly, considering its abundance in the atmosphere, and it's known prevalence of staying in the atmosphere for a thousand years (Lallanilla, 2019). However, all the greenhouse gases lead to global warming due to their absorption of infrared in the atmosphere.
Section II: How emission cause problems for the developing world
1 China, the United States, and Europe are the leading countries in the production of greenhouse gases. A study by Hanley (2015) shows that these countries are the world's largest economies. Therefore, the high levels of greenhouse gas production are triggered by the vast economic activities that lead to greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Besides, most industrial operations entail releasing gases such as CO2 into the atmosphere during the production processes.
2 However, the production of greenhouse gases is also prevalent in developing countries. Although the countries may not have intense industrial engagements, they also indulge in potential triggers of greenhouses gases. For instance, countries with high human population growth, such as Afghanistan, greatly contribute to global warming. According to Engelman (2009), people use fossil fuels to power their lives, and significant populations iterate to more demand for gas, oil, and coal, among other fuels. The energies' primary source is mining from the earth's surface, and they release carbon dioxide upon burning. Consequently, being the most abundant gas in the atmosphere yields the gr...
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