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Ideology Project: Implicit Biases

Essay Instructions:

Ideology Project

A. Implicit biases are unconscious attitudes that develop from exposure to ideas promoted or suggested by different domains of society. Entertainment, sports, education, and news reporting are areas that can express and contribute to implicit biases. Select one of these areas and write 2 pages about how it contributes to implicit biases against African Americans. Give specific examples.

B. Write a 2 page comedic narrative that addresses a theme in social justice. The narrative may involve any marginalized group.

C. African Americans have been associated with a number of labels over time.: colored, negro, Negro, Afro-American and black are the major ones. Write a paper describing the climate in which each of these arose. Explain why African Americans used the term and why their preference changed. Write two pages.

Make sure you fully and thoroughly answer the questions and complete the tasks.

Additionally, all pages should follow APA guidelines. Times New Roma 12pts, double spaced, one inch margin. Also, if you cite, you must be able to find the source. There must be APA in text citation in the article and references at the end.

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Ideology Project A
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Implicit Biases
Entertainment industry is one area that influences implicit bias against African Americans. During the early stages of film and media, black people struggled to represent their own beliefs, stories, identities and opinions because white people controlled the entertainment industry and chose how to portray African Americans in those films (Kulaszewicz, 2015, p. 2). Recent studies show that exposure Television shows and movies for a long time influences racial bias especially if these television shows and movies portray black people negatively. In particular, the entertainment industry has overrepresented African Americans in criminal cases. This overrepresentation has led to negative implicit attitudes towards black people in various white communities. Viewers who watch more local television shows often demonstrate more unconscious negative attitudes toward African Americans.
According to Kulaszewicz (2015), various television news and Hollywood movies often portray African Americans as criminals. For instance, in very early films like Birth of a Nation (1915) and the Tarzan (1932), black people were represented as thieves, imposters, ignorant beings, and potential rapists (Luther et al., 2012, p. 59). In some of these early films, the White people wore a black image that sent strong symbolic messages. The painting of the black image by the white characters meant that African Americans were not good enough to represent themselves (Kulaszewicz, 2015, p. 8). They were also seen lacking talent to fill a role. By taking over these roles, the white people sent a subconscious message to viewers that the white race was the preferred and the only group with the ability to contribute to the mainstream media. These actions and messages influenced institutional racism.
Researchers have also found that long-term television exposure predicts a low self-esteem for African Americans, but an increase in self-esteem for the whites (Yuen, 2019, p.2 ). These differences are in line with the gender and racial practices in Hollywood, which mostly cast whites as heroes, while depicting blacks as villains, sexual objects and sidekicks. These images of blacks portrayed in the Hollywood movies skew how viewers understand and categorize African Americans (Kulaszewicz, 2015, p. 8). Popular media can have a negative effect on whites’ perceptions of black people. Equally, stereotypes in film and television can strengthen preexisting racist fears. Therefore, it is safe to note that depictions of the African Americans by popular media influence implicit racial bias for white viewers.
Hollywood movies and television shows are the most watched in the world. As noted, the more a person becomes attached to these movies and shows, the more they are influenced by the content. Today, most of the people who play criminal characters such as robbers and drug dealers are black people, giving the audience an impression that African Americans are criminals. Since Hollywood movies are mostly watched, they change the perception of viewers that African Americans are bad people. This raises implicit bias against black people.
Based on the above revelations, it is important to note that the in the entertainment industry influences the beliefs of people and how they relate to each other. The type of information presented by the movies and television series to the public concerning African Americans influences how the public understand the expectations, behaviors and image of this race. When the media portray African Americans As criminal, aggressive and dangerous, then the audience believes that all black people have those characters (Yuen, 2019, pg. 2). This is an implicit bias that the entertainment sector continues to reiterate. Simply put, the media influences attitudes that people have towards black people. As an institution, the media influences action based on a particular race. Therefore, it reinforces implicit associations in an unconscious manner to promote stereotypes.
Comedic Narrative: Citizen 13660
Citizen 13660 is a historical account that expresses the experiences of the Japanese who lived in the internment: - the state of being confined as a prisoner for military of political reasons during the Second World War (Okubo, 1983, p.3 ). The number 13660 was a family number assigned to the author, Mine Okubo and Toku, her younger brother (Peacock, 2016, p. 446). When the Japanese air service attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941, the US responded by declaring war on Japan (Okubo, 1983, p. 8). This declaration of war on Japan caused many Japanese Americans to become targets of mistrust sand suspicion. Okubo was a student of the University of California when the evacuation order forced her family to relocate in an internment. Most people of Japanese descent, irrespective of their citizenship were forces to abandon their home and move to the Tanforan center until further notice. All Japanese including Okubo was reduced to a number. Okubo was number13660 (Stanutz, 2018, p. 49). This story showed the dehumanized size of internment, realism of the experience and emotion or lack of emotion experienced by the people.
Initially, Tanforan internment served as a horse raising field. The camp was, therefore, still under construction (Peacock, 2016, p. 446). After the arrival of Okubo and his family at the camp, they were physically examined, which is a mandatory requirement regardless of the privacy of humans. They were forced to deal with harsh living conditions including extreme weather exposure, poor food, and living in converted barracks. The camp made Japanese Americans to cramp into a small space to sleep (Stanutz, 2018, p.47). They also overcrowded facilities like bathrooms and showers, which limited privacy and person...
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