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Counseling in Psychology

Essay Instructions:

1. The chapter says that successful counselors foster hope in their clients. What gives you hope? How have others encouraged your hopefulness? What will you do to monitor or foster your sense of hope as you work with clients? Can you encourage hope in others even when you do not feel it yourself?

2. What is your perception of the best way to use assessment instruments in the process of addictions counseling?

3. What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of motivational interviewing?

4. Review the types of therapeutic relationships discussed in the section on Solution-Focused therapy. How do these types of relationships relate to the stages of change discussed in chapter 7? How might each construct be useful?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Counseling in Psychology
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Counseling in Psychology
Certainly, a counseling process's success is viewed in terms of hope the specialist gives a client. This hope is triggered by the belief that it is possible to find a solution to the client's underlying stress or problem. Over time, other people have encouraged by hopefulness. This action has occurred through their encouragement that more critical cases achieved success despite the limited chances of survival. Besides, my hope has initially been inspired by their assurance of any necessary support. This fact correlates with the assertions of Larsen et al. (2020), which suggest that people become more hopeful when they are certain that their counterparts will join forces with them to perform a particular task. I foster hope as I work with clients by encouraging them to exhibit the hope that other people and I have in them. Also, I would use positive statements that help them know their significance.
The assessment instruments for addiction counseling should be used uniquely...
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