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Is Space Funding Worth the Money?

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Essays should be at least three pages (1 inch margins/12 point font/space-and-a-half).


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Is Space Funding Worth the Money?
Is Space Funding Worth the Money?
The world or nations cannot be managed like corporations that are required to make profits because there are a lot of interests and the only fulfillment people can get is by achieving specific targets such as space exploration. Human beings are naturally curious, and that nature has led to the research and understanding of the environment and space. Some people choose to be astronauts; others prefer to be either pilot, doctors, accountants, economists, and engineers because they are pursuing their interests. Advancing knowledge about the universe is, therefore, a worthy agenda that is dangerous, but offers the most excellent adventure that can answer some of the lingering questions about earth history, improve technology in different fields such as satellite communication, save lives, and respond to the ultimate question of whether we are alone in the universe.
Arguing that NASA expenditure is a scam is not true because there is enough evidence that shows the way money is spent on every project the organization undertakes. Space exploration can never be a scam and every penny spent is always accounted for, and the public can still access the budget to assess the way funds are utilized (Diaz, 2012). There are also certain watchdog groups that play an integral role in ensuring that no money is lost or misused. The question of whether spending on space is a waste of money is always subjective in which case; many people would agree because they do not understand the whole idea of space exploration (Griffin, 2007). Politics plays a critical role in fuelling the debate on whether NASA’s allocation is not worth, meaning that there is no genuine reason for not spending on NASA apart from lack of proper understanding and the political goodwill.
Spending on space program has led to the advancement of technology which is a high return. Although the space program performance is not immediate or short term, what a country benefits from in the long run is much more important than the billions of dollars spent on the projects (Rinaldi, 2016). For instance, there have been modern satellite communications that have been introduced because of the constant space exploration that is currently used by almost everyone. Also, space exploration powerfully drove the discovery of weather forecasting tools and GPS that are deemed essential in the current world. Also, fuel cells and digital videos have experienced technological advancement due to the substantial research involved in the space (Grady, 2015). The satellite has also been protected by the R& D that continually takes place in the field of space exploration. In the education sector, it has driven science and technology leading to the existence of many scientists who are inspired by the space program because it gives hope for the future and constructive sense of wonder (Griff...
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