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Improving Sexual Health in the Later Stages of Life

Essay Instructions:

Title: List and discuss key challenges (For example, physical, psychological, or social) related to sexuality that people face in later life. What steps can be taken to promote the sexual health of people in the later stages of life?

Guide to Writing the Essay Assignments
Suggested length: 5 to 6 typed double-spaced pages plus title and references pages.
Researching the essays: Students are required to use course materials (i.e., course modules, required readings, readings for further research/essay assignments, and the textbook) as the main sources for writing the essays. Use a minimum of 3 references. Students may also supplement course materials with other references but this not required.
Referencing: Make sure your essay is properly referenced using the APA referencing system. An APA Essay Format Handout is available online at the Research Help section of the Ryerson Library website (note: the textbook uses the APA system).

Recommended Essay Structure
1) Title Page
Name of institution (i.e., Ryerson University)
Your name
Name of Course
Essay title (Give your essay a specific title that reflects its content)
Instructor's name
Date completed
2) Introduction
Start this section with the heading Introduction
Introduce your topic with a brief overview (1 or 2 paragraphs) of the issue you will be discussing.
If necessary, define key terms that will be used in the essay.
Describe in precise words what your essay objectives are and how you are going to approach your topic. For example, "In this essay, I will examine...... In conclusion, it will be suggested that...."
3) Main Body
Provide a main heading relevant to your topic
Present your observations, findings, research, or arguments in a systematic fashion that is consistent with what you said you would do in the introduction. You may want to divide this part of the essay into several subsections, each with a heading.
4) Conclusion
Use a heading for this section (i.e., Conclusion)
Briefly restate your objectives and summarize the key points/findings from the main body of your essay.
State what conclusions can logically be drawn from your examination of the topic.
5) References Page
List all works that you have cited in your essay (use APA format). Do not include works that have not been cited in your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Sexuality
Due Date
Human Sexuality
Sex drive has a natural progression in all humans. It tends to diminish as the individual ages, mainly because of chronic illnesses that decrease libido. This is even though sex has been proven to be important to help senior citizens lead better-quality lives. However, sex can help senior citizens more vibrant and lead more fulfilling lives. Many factors affect sexual drive in older people, mostly related to the psychological, physical and social changes. In this essay, I will examine the physical, psychological and social factors that lead to diminished sexual drive and steps that can be taken to reverse the trend.
Challenges faced by the elderly
As an individual age, their bodies tend to be less flexible, diminished immunity and more susceptible to chronic illness. In most people, the bodies are the main hurdle that prevents them from enjoying sex more frequently. Most senior citizens are under medication of some sort, and this affects their sexual drive. Most chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart diseases, etc. become the main challenge to enjoying sex. The bodies are no longer energetic to withstand the medication and still engage in sex which is energy draining. Thus, most couples tend to have less sex.
As humans age, their bodies become less vibrant, flexible and energetic. As people age, their bodies change. The bodies have less tissue, and their bodies become less attractive. Most women fell their bodies have become ‘uglier,’ and hence they shy away from sex. The vaginal lubrication also tends to reduce in older women, and the walls become thinner and stiffer Kalra, G., Subramanyam, A., & Pinto, C. (2011). Their breasts sag and accumulate more abdominal fat. Men, on the other hand, tend to fear the disappointments of poor sexual drive caused by erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc. Men can also experience longer periods to achieve complete arousal. These are problems that are inevitable because of the nature of human bodies, and senior citizens tend to have sex altogether to avoid the embarrassment of the performance of their bodies.
As noted above, most old people suffer from varied illnesses, and they tend to affect their mental health. Poor mental health leads to low sex drive while sex could help to process the mental pain caused by their deteriorating health. When the older people are under medication or perform subpar of their expected and former capacity and abilities, they are mentally disturbed, and this could lead to less frequency of having sex. Other issues that can potentially cause low sex drive are economic especially if the couple grapple has not saved enough for retirement. If the individual grapples with economic hardship in the face of deteriorating energy such that they cannot work anymore, their sex drive can be adversely affected.
Some people also lose partners in the course of their lives and thus they have less sex because of widowhood. Additionally, they may find it difficult to form strong emotional bonds with another partner which affects their sexual life. The physical problems noted above also affect the psychological health of older people. They fear ‘exposing their weaknesses’ especially men, while these issues are inevitable.
Talking about sex is still a mild taboo in most cultures. The social construct of sex forces many people to avoid speaking about it which could help people address their bedroom issues. The social construct of sex also affects married partners, and most tend to avoid ‘discoveries’ and explorations that do not fit the social construct. For example, some couples may fear to revamp their sexual life by trying new sex positions because they are considered ‘abnormal.’ ‘normal sex’ is a narrowly defined term, and the older people are mostly afraid to try new things because the ‘society’ has instituted boundaries on what they can do.
Culture frames mostly instituted by religion also affect the perception of sex as a pleasurable activity between two people. Most religions have defined sex in the heterogeneous framework and that it should be used only for reproduction Minturn, L., Grosse, M., & Haider, S. (1969). Religions and cu...
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