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International Humanitarian Effort and the Yemen Crisis

Essay Instructions:

Describe are the five (5) essential elements of any successful international humanitarian effort? In view of your answer do you think the international community could do more to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and what could that response be?

A one paragraph answer is not adequate. I would instead expect three to five paragraphs for your answer and, of course, you can do more.

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International Humanitarian Effort and the Yemen Crisis
International Humanitarian Effort and the Yemen Crisis
The international community plays a major role in promoting peace and protecting basic human rights across the world. According to Art and Jervis (2017), through humanitarian intervention, the international community has been able to protect people from genocide, war crimes and other atrocities against humanity. International crises are not in shortage, and the international community has to make an effort to resolve any crisis while minimizing the number of casualties involved during the resolution. As such, several elements are essential in ensuring a successful international humanitarian effort as described in this text. These elements can also be used to improve the response to the Yemen crisis to ensure that the situation is brought to an end sooner than later.
First, a successful international humanitarian effort should deploy enough military and diplomatic resources to ensure that even when the situation worsens, the international community’s first step will not be to retreat (Art & Jervis, 2017). The international community has made notable efforts in this front in response to the Yemeni crisis. A Saudi-led coalition, comprising mostly of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia was formed to promote peace in Yemen, and consequently, the Saudi-led coalition has the backing of the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) (Nasser, 2018). With this kind of backing and support, the peacekeeping mission in Yemen is unlikely to fail. However, the presence of these international allies also presents a problem to the international humanitarian efforts. As noted by Nasser (2018), the U.S. has been on the frontline in providing military resources to the Saudi coalition, especially in derailing any efforts made by Houthis to acquire firearms. To prevent any arms from getting into Yemen, the U.S. has been blocking vessels coming to Yemen. However, such a move has negative consequences that need to be addressed by the international community. For instance, when the U.S. Navy blocked vessels in order to search them for arms, there was a massive food shortage in the country as a result (Nasser, 2018). Without a proper system to differentiate humanitarian vessels with other vessels, there is a high chance that a similar situation will present itself. The international community should instead establish a better way of identifying and differentiating ships and other carriers delivering humanitarian aid. For instance, they can ensure that they have a unique identifier that is only known to them. The identifier can also be subtle such that it is inconspicuous unless one is looking for it, to avoid imitation by the rebels.
Second, a successful humanitarian effort requires the support of local, regional and international players (Art & Jervis, 2017). The players must work in unity to avoid creating a weak link that can be manipulated by instigators of war. This implies that all the participants should avoid working independently as they can send the wrong message. The international community has fared well in this front in response to the Yemeni crisis. The regional players have been on the frontline through the Saudi-led coalition which several countries are part of.
Further, internationally, the support from UK, U.S., and France has been registered in the country. Other international players include the UN, OCHA, and ICRC, all of which are not-for-profit organizations. These international players have faced major challenges in addressing the needs of innocent Yemeni, although they have been able to address the some of the challenges by working with some of the local humanitarian actors, especially those working with the internationally recognized government of Yemeni (Coppi, 2018). However, the private sector in Yemeni has been working independently in supplying humanitarian aid. A collaboration between the international players and the private sector would greatly improve the situation. For instance, Coppi (2018) indicates that the private sector is somehow still able to bring shipments to Yemen. Thus, if the international humanitarian community is working in partnership with the private sector, they would be able to bring in more aid to the people of Yemen.
Third, any successful international humanitarian effort should be characterized by the sensitivity of the intervening governments, especially to the possibility of resistance from their citizens and pressure to withdraw (Art & Jervis, 2017). In most interna...
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