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Socio-economic and Socio-political Evolution in Europe

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Socio-economic and Socio-political Evolution in Europe
Socio-economic and Socio-political Evolution in Europe
The hierarchical realities in Europe faced socio-economic and socio-political changes that radicalized the system. The events that occurred between the mid-14th century and the mid-17th century caused an evolution in Europe, which shifted society from traditional views to modern societal systems. During the said timeframe, there are authoritative people within the society who voiced opinions that shaped the course of the reformation because of the high positions of power the individuals held. The figures made contributions by describing the ongoing developments, challenging the reforms, or explaining the processes involved and predicting potential outcomes of the developments. The restructurings and developments had different impacts on the old systems of the society, and on the new systems that developed from the evolution. The essay explores the course of the revolution and illustrates the impact of the new developments on the pre-existing societies and the societies that grew afterward.
The first aspect of interest is the social organization of old Europe before the revolution. There are four observations from the structure of the society (Lectures for McGrath Medieval Era and Renaissance). There were strong social ties amongst the members of society. Major emphasis was on dealing with matters that addressed the interest of a group with similar ideals. The society shared the same values, social norms, and religious ideologies. Lastly, there was great emphasis on tradition and strong cultural and emotional ties the locality of an individual. The medieval society had a societal structure based on religion, particularly on Christianity (Lectures for McGrath Medieval Era and Renaissance). In the system, the hierarchy comprised of the church, the king, nobles, knights, and peasants. The church was at the top of the hierarchy and dictated the governing statues of the land. The king occupied the highest station in the feudal structure and was lord of the country. Next in line were the nobles. The group was vassals of the king and had authority over some knights with low ranks after the nobles were the knights. Knights offered services to the lords in charge and exchange received land. Peasants were at the bottom of the hierarchy. The group had no ownership of land but worked on land that knights and nobles possessed.
The structure of the Feudal system varied according to location but the king, nobles, knights and peasants pledged subordination to the Christian Church. Such a society had no sense of individuality. In times of warfare, mercenaries and people from low classes fought for pay, obtain wealth through plunder and a right to ransom. One character of interest during the period was Emperor Charlemagne (Lectures for McGrath Medieval Era and Renaissance). The Emperor instituted a conquest with the aim of conquering and enforcing conversion to Christianity. The option the leader offered the locals was to convert or face death. Anyone who did not comply with the requisites of Christianity would also face death. The policy was brutal but achieved success.
The revolution brought about the concept of modernity. Modernity comprised of aspects of nationalism, ideology, secularism, specialization of labor, individualism, urbanization, bureaucratization, and a centralized government system (Lectures for McGrath Medieval Era and Renaissance).The Renaissance was part of the revolution. The cultural movement began in Italy and spread across Western Europe. The movement facilitated the emergence of a modern world without regard to the medieval ages. During the movement, culture began to take basis on art and became a source of social identity and the predominant mindset at the time. The writings of the movement also shaped the new society. Prolific writings with major influence during the time include the epic poem of the Cid from Spain, the Troubadours from southern France, the Trouveurs from Northern France, the Minnesingers from Germany, the Canterb...
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