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Comments on DIfferent Students

Essay Instructions:

there are three sets of students post each need a comment some in text citations the students for 5-1 are Scott Ashley and Emily 5-2 there is Scott, Ashley and Emily for 5-3 there is Scott and Ashley the questions are different please put the name by each one so I will know who post you answered. references page and there are no articles you may be able to find one the questions are added

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Student Posts
Student Posts
Question 5-1
Scott: The procedures adopted by your facility when dealing with clients that present the physical problems associated with many years of alcohol use reveal higher degrees of efficacy. However, there is a need to embrace effective measures of addressing the physical and medical needs of that patient due to the detrimental social, economic and financial effects associated with intoxication. According to Mahan et al. (2017), intoxication accounts for about 30% of the homicide cases, 20% of the suicide cases and over 35% of automobile crashes.
Ashley: There is evidence that your institution has effective collaborative frameworks of dealing with its patients as a way of fostering the attainment of the required health outcomes. The multilayer assessment strategy adopted by your agency is highly influential in screening all the needs of the clients. In particular, your organization reveals effective collaborative frameworks based on its move to work with the referral hospital. Such a procedure needs to be reinforced in order to realize positive therapeutic results.
Emily: While your facility does not receive cases of drug addiction, it embraces proper documentation procedures. In particular, the facility puts much emphasis on fostering treatments based on the underlying history of the infirmity. According to Mahan et al. (2017), proper documentation plays a significant role in ensuring that the therapeutic procedures put in place are aimed at enhancing the health outcomes of a patient based on certain known historical tests. Such procedures play a crucial role in fostering higher levels of accuracy.
Question 5-2
Scott: The fact that your agency tries its best to ensure that its clients maintain higher levels of compliance to the medication administered reveals how careful it is in fostering recovery. However, I would advocate for measures aimed at fostering the patients’ understanding of the benefits of medication as opposed to the follow-up activities put in place. Henceforth, the agency needs to educate patients on the importance of medication for efficie...
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