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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Coping Skills of Clients Based on the Guideline

Essay Instructions:

This is journal 5 of what I did at my internsip this week which I have added a list of things that I did and what should go in this journal. This is all I have I need the entire words for this paper thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal 5
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Institutional Affiliation
Journal 5
Coping Skills
During my internship, I was assigned two clients and my main duties were to analyze their coping skills to the treatment guideline set by the agency. The guideline contained a treatment plan that outlined six issues in treating a patient. They include drug dependence/withdrawal, emotional/behavioral conditions, biomedical conditions, readiness to change, relapse potential, and recovery environment. I gave this handout to the clients after they had been enrolled in the agency.
Before enrolling the clients, I carried out an assessment to determine the characteristics of the clients. I did this procedure during the first week of intake. I forwarded the clients to the cashier's office where they paid their admission fee. Afterward, I took the assessment plan to the business office where the pape...
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