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Prada Man Bags. Who turned the American man into a Sissy?

Essay Instructions:

It's an event, writing this event tells me what, and why I am interested in this event. (link to event) https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/09/30/651508895/a-fiery-debate-over-sissies-vs-macho-men-in-china-s-social -media

Then answer the question, .does America have strong iconic male figures who are "sissies" ;Do you think this creates a weaker society, why or why not?

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Prada Man Bags
America is known for so many other things besides being the world strongest economy and a superpower, this region host a diverse cultural phenomenon because of the mixture of cultures that have been in the region ever since. As we grow in technology, so does our diversity, and every day new debates of whether the trends coming up are right or wrong keep emerging. Recently there was the fiercest debate on whether men today have been marginalized and emasculated by the popular and most recently supported aspect of feminism and the march of women educationally and professionally.
Football has been known to be manly games in the sense that even females who are in the premium league are considered to have manly attributes. However, not until recent football, especially women are praising athlete like David Beckham who is considered a handsome man for looking the part. An American man is slowly maintaining an exfoliated, rehydrated skin, waxing everywhere and carrying Prada man bags and women are praising them for the effort. Others include boy band Backstreet boys, Justine Bieber and many more who are greatly appreciated and loved in the region.
Who turned the American man into a Sissy?
There is an observation where some say that educated women have manipulatively feminized the American man so that to make them less masculine and challenging to their ambitions and to reduce competition — that way they have emas...
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