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Observations in a Clinical Setting

Essay Instructions:

7-1,7-2,7-3 and Journal 7 is all added I have started you on the answers of what is going on at my intership make better at least 250 words on 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 and 250 words at least for Journal 7 give me 2 references of your chose and at least 2 in text citation with a reference page

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Journal 7
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7-1 – Initially, it was quite difficult for me to come up with satisfactory results, but as I gained experienced and transformed myself from a novice to a professional counselor, I learned various new things. In this field, the counselor has to take the responsibility of assisting clients in the best possible ways. I am always pleased to give the best treatment options to my clients, and I am quite satisfied with my training and outcomes (Rubinstein, 2016). I have always loved to treat clients directly rather than referring them to someone else since I feel that I have gained enough knowledge and experience and can prove my worth by giving them the most suitable counseling options.
7-2 – It is a common observation that while working in the clinic, one has to face a lot of challenges, and I have also been through a number of uncertain situations when some of the counselors threatened and criticized me. However, their opinions meant nothing to me as another group of professionals identified my core skills and helped me grow as a counselor. They appreciated the way I work and talked about me with others, which gave me the confidence to working harder. They told me that I was doing an excellent job and that I should continue working in the same way since it guaranteed the satisfaction of clients.
7-3 – It is true that there have not been a sufficient number of opportunities to display my burgeoning talent, such as in preparing a presentation for the conference, presenting a case and speaking to the representative of an agency. I did not grow and learn at a fast speed, and instea...
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