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6 pages/≈1650 words
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Critical Skills for Successful Leadership

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A leader can simply be defined as the act and the ability to lead people towards the achievement of a certain objective. The debate on whether leadership is inborn or acquired after birth has raged on for centuries. Though the debate is yet to be settled, the general consensus is that whether inborn or inherited, leadership can be improved through learning. One can learn and improve their various skills, which improves the quality of their leadership. Various styles of leadership have been employed by different leaders with varying degrees of success. Moreover, there exists a set of skills that are considered critical for successful leadership. The skills include flexibility, effective communication skills, empathy, accountability, charisma, among others. This paper seeks to identify the leadership skills and styles exhibited by various leaders in the course of their careers.
The modern business environment is unpredictable and dynamic. To survive in this landscape, leaders must consistently embrace change. This calls for high levels of flexibility. Innovation is also a great tool to counter the uncertainties of the modern world. The unpredictability of the current business environment and the flexibility required to respond to it has been brilliantly captured in the biography of Bob McInnis. Presently, he works as the marketing automation strategist, and his work involves turning existing websites into sale machines. He is greatly successful in his field. He began his career as a media sales as manager before being hired by the New York Newsday. It is in this role that his innovative nature came to the fore. He championed a new method of selling adv...
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