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Effeminacy in Male Celebrities in China: Why it is a Problem

Essay Instructions:

professor let me to write a current event,write about 2pages about my opinion on this event,In addition, why did I choose this event? (in China, there are many male celebrities who are very feminine, which I think is a problem). Then, the teacher also wrote a question,does America have strong iconic male figures who are sissies. Do you think this creates a weaker society, why or why not?So, these two pages are why this event was selected, which was its opinion and the teacher's question.

Links to news:https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/09/30/651508895/a-fiery-debate-over-sissies-vs-macho-men-in-china-s-social-media

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Effeminacy in Male Celebrities in China
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Effeminacy in Male Celebrities in China: Why it is a Problem
For this assignment, I chose an event titled “The First Class of School” which is an annual back-to-school special aired on September first on a state-owned Chinese Central Television. I chose this event because it is compulsory for more than one-hundred Chinese middle and primary students as well as their parents and through it, the presence of effeminate men spurred indignant discourses chastising it as a threat to the nation-state and an epitome of the loss of Chinese manhood.
I think the portrayal of emasculate men in media is a problem because it has adverse impacts on teenagers. The media portrays these men who display feminine beauty who after extensive use of make-up, equaled and sometimes exceeded feminine beauty. The depiction of sissies is a phenomenon because the negative impacts of this sickly culture trickles down to the nation’s teens – which are the future of the country. The presentation of effeminate men causes a loss on manhood to abound in media. The normalization of effete men is a crisis of manhood as well as a crisis of the nation-state.
The feminization of men is castigated as a sign of social degeneration because previously, the feminization of men has led to colonial domination in China. The kind of pop culture embraced by a society relates directly to the state’s future. As such, to nurture new talen...
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